(2006), "Harmonic drive launches world's smallest hollow shaft servo actuactor", Industrial Robot, Vol. 33 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Harmonic drive launches world's smallest hollow shaft servo actuactor
Harmonic drive launches world's smallest hollow shaft servo actuactor
Keywords: Actuators
Harmonic Drive, a leading European manufacturer of precision gears and actuators, has launched a new and unique range of miniature hollow-shaft servo actuators, including what is believed to be the world's smallest servo actuator, capable of delivering 1.8 Nm of torque from an integrated AC motor, gearbox and encoder that measures just 50mm3 in size and weighs 0.4 kg. In addition, the new range of FHA-C mini servo actuators features a choice of gear reduction ratios, including a 30:1 gear ratio, which is the first of its kind to be achieved with hollow shaft servo actuators (Plate 1).
Plate 1
The world's smallest servo actuator?
Available in three gear sizes, 8, 11 and 14, the new FHA-C mini range has been developed specifically for use in demanding applications, where highly accurate motion control and high torque capacity are required, or where operating space or weight are restricted. Typically, applications include pick and place mechanisms used in the electronics and semiconductor industries, precision machine tools and automation equipment used in the manufacture or operation of medical devices and aerospace systems.
The new FHA-C mini servo actuators feature advanced Harmonic Drive technology to eliminate the effects of backlash, while the integrated AC servo motors provide exceptionally smooth torque curves, with output speeds of between 60 and 200 rpm. A specially developed cross-roller output bearing provides superior resistance to axial and radial loads, and to high tilting moments, with a TTL-encoder being mounted directly onto the motor shaft to provide precise feedback data, to within 1.6arcs.
In addition, each of the new FHA-C mini servo actuators is designed to interface directly with all industry standard servo controllers. Alternatively, Harmonic Drive can supply a fully digital SC-610 servo controller, which features Windows compatible software to allow each unit to be configured and operated quickly and simply.
By integrating a motor, gearbox, output bearing and encoder into a single, compact and lightweight unit, the new FHA-C servo actuators offer design and manufacturing engineers the opportunity to reduce both the time and cost associated with system design, specification and construction. Perhaps as importantly, the new servo actuators also allow system performance, precision and reliability to be significantly improved, while minimising size and weight.
For further information contact Graham Mackrell, Harmonic Drive UK Ltd, Unit 36, Wolseley Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford, ST18 0GA, UK. Tel: 01785 245190; Fax: 01785 240126; web site: