
Industrial Robot

ISSN: 0143-991X

Article publication date: 1 January 2006



(2006), "Diary", Industrial Robot, Vol. 33 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/ir.2006.04933aac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Key: C = Conference, E = Exhibition, S = Seminar, W = Workshop


Intertool & Metalworking 2006

FebruarySt Petersburg, RussiaInternational Trade Fair for Tools, Metal-Working, Manufacturing Technologies & WeldingKeywords: Welding, Machines-tools, Tools, Metal working industries, RoboticsContact: MSI Vertiebs CmbH. Tel: 43 1 402 8954; Fax: 43 1 402 8954-54; E-mail: msi@msi-fairs.com; web sites: www.msi-fairs.com/ and www.eventseye.com

Machine Vision 2006

15-16 FebruaryBirmingham, UKMachine Vision ConferenceKeywords: Real time systems & embedded systems, Industrial controllers, Sensors, Optics-eyewearContact: Trident Exhibitions Ltd. E-mail: info@trident-exhibitions.co.uk; web sites: www.ipot.com/ and www.eventseye.com/

BioRob 2006 The First IEEE/RAS- EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics

20-22 FebruaryTuscany, ItalyIndustrial Development for Robotics and for Biomedical EngineeringKeywords: Robotics, Biomedical engineering, Mechatronic systems, EndoscopyContact: IEEE & RAS. web site: www-arts.sssup.it/biorob/ and www.ncsu.edu

International Conferences on Computer Vision Theory and Applications

22-25 FebruarySetubal, PortugalThe International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) aims at becoming a major point of contact between research scientists, engineers and practitioners on the area of computer vision applications systemsKeywords: Image formation and processing, Image analysis, Image understanding, Motion, Tracking and stereo visionContact: E-mail: secretariat@visapp.org; web sites: www.visapp.org/ and www.allconferences.com

HRI 2006 (Human-Robot Interaction Conference 2006)

2-3 MarchUtah, USAHuman and robot interactionKeywords: Robotics, Human-factors, Ergonomics, Human-computer interactionContact: E-mail: hri2006@byu.edu; web sites: www.hri2006.org/ and www.ncsu.edu

1st Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

2-3 MarchUtah, USAThe 2006 Conference on Human- Robot Interaction is the inaugural event in an annual conference dedicated to human and robot interaction (HRI)Keywords: Human robotic interactionContact: E-mail: hri2006@byu.edu; web site: www.hri2006.org/

9th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-9)

7-9 MarchTokyo, JapanThe goal of IAS-9 is to lay out new scientific ideas and design principles for artificial systems able to survive in nature and in our society. We expect the conference to stimulate novel research challenges as well as crazy ideas that eventually will lead to more intelligent and autonomous future robots and systems. The conference will cover both the applied as well as the theoretical aspects of intelligent autonomous systems. It will comprise invited talks as well as oral presentationsContact: E-mail: hyokoi@prince.pe.u-tokyo.ac.jp, web site: www.arai.pe.u-tokyo.ac.jp/IAS-9

21st International Conference on Computers & their Applications

23-25 MarchSeattle, USAThe International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA) provides an international forum for presentation and discussion of research on computers and their applications. The CATA-2006 will feature contributed as well as invited papers concerned with theory, practice and applicationsKeywords: Algorithms, Artificial intelligence, Biomedical engineering, Bioinformatics and geoinformatics, Compilers, Computer aided design, Modelling, Networks, Computer vision, Simulation, Control systems, Data communications, Databases, Data mining and knowledge discovery, Digital signal processing, Expert systems, Human-computer interface and visulisation, Image processing, Information systems, Multimedia applications, Neural networks, Operating & distributed systems, Parallel processing, Pattern recognition, Programming languages, Real-time computing, Robotics, Software engineering and CASE, Text processingContact: The University of Alabama. Tel: (205) 348-2919; Fax: (205) 348- 6959; E-mail: jjackson@eng.ua.edu; web sites: www.isca-hq.org/confr.htm and www.allconferences.com

Intertool Kiev 2006

AprilKiev, UkraineInternational Trade Fair for Machine- tools, Tools, Metal-Working, Manufacturing Technologies & WeldingKeywords: Welding, Machines-tools, Tools, Metal working industries, RoboticsContact: Reed Exhibitions Messe Wien. Tel: +43 (0) 1 727 20-0; Fax: +43 (0) 1 727 20-443; web sites: www.msi-fairs.com/, www.msi-fairs.com/ and www.eventseye.com/

NEPCON Korea 2006

AprilKoreaExhibition for the Electronics Component and Manufacturing IndustriesKeywords: Electronic design & components, Assembly and handling technologyContact: Reed Exhibitions Japan. Tel: +81 (0)3 3349-8501; Fax: +81 (0)3 3349-8599; E-mail: nk@reedexpo.co.jp; web sites: www.nepconkorea.com/ and www.eventseye.com/

RoboNexus Germany

6-8 AprilMunich, GermanyThe International Business Development, Educational and Consumer Event For Personal, Service and Mobile RobotsKeywords: Mobile robots, Intelligent systemsContact: Robotics Trends. web site: www.robonexus.com/

Process Control, Instrumentation and Metrology 2006

MayBangkok, ThailandInternational Exhibition and Conference for Process Control & Instrumentation, Measurement, Test, Calibration Equipment and Quality ControlKeywords: Measurement & testing, Industrial controllers, SensorsContact: Reed Tradex Company. E-mail: manufact@reedtradex.com; web sites: www.reedtradex.co.th/reedtradex/htmlfolder/fr_exibitionsc.html and www.eventseye.com/

Kirotec 2006

3-6 MaySeoul, South KoreaKorea International Robot Technology ExhibitionKeywords: Industrial controllers, Robotics, Applied computer & industrial engineeringContact: COEX. Tel: +82 (0)2 6000 0114; Fax: +82 (0)2 6000 1302; E-mail: kirotec@coex.co.kr; web sites: www.coex.co.kr/ and www.eventseye.com


15-19 MayOrlando, USAHumanitarian RobotsKeywords: Demining, Search/rescue missions, Homeland security, Humanoid robots, Personal and service robotsContact: IEEE. E-mail: admin@icra2006.org; web sites: www.icra2006.org and www.ncsu.edu

MACH 2006

15-19 MayBirmingham, UKAlready the UK's largest and most successful exhibition for manufacturing technologies, MACHplus will further broaden MACH 2006's visitor appeal, providing even more value for its 20,000+ visitors.Keywords: Health & safety, Materials handling, Cleaning, Hydraulics and pneumatics, Robotics and automationContact: The Manufacturing Technologies Association. Tel: +44 (0) 20 7298 6400; Fax: +44 (0) 20 7298 6430; E-mail: rkaye@mta.org.uk; web site: www.mach06.com

NFAS 2006

15-17 MayMontreal, CanadaNational Factory Automation ShowKeywords: Industrial controllers, Robotics, Applied computer & industrial engineeringContact: Reed Exhibitions Canada. Tel: +1 (416) 491-7565; Fax: +1 (416) 491-5088; E-mail: canada@reedexpo.com; web sites: www.reedexpo.ca/montreal/ and www.eventseye.com/

ISR/Robotik 2006 – Joint Conference On Robotics

15-17 MayMunich, GermanyIt is a forum for presenting state-of-the-art research in robot technologies and applications from around the world.Keywords: Grippers, Sensors, Actors, Controllers, Microsystems, Communication systems, or new materials leading to advanced robotic solutions and new applicationsContact: Tel: +49 211 6214-504; Fax: +49 211 6214-430; E-mail: rosenzweig@vdi.de; web site: www.vdi.de/vdi/english/organisation/schnellauswahl/fgkf/gma/robotik/11978/index.php

Automotive Manufacturing 2005

1-4 JuneBangkok, ThailandExposition of Machinery and Equipment for Automotive and Parts ManufacturingKeywords: Automotive engineering, Industrial controllers, Machines-tools, Tools, Energy production, Metal working industries, Electronic design & components, Robotics, Assembly and handling technologyContact: Reed Tradex Company. Tel: +662 636 7272; Fax: +662 636 7282; E-mail: rtdx@reedtradex.co.th; web sites: www.automanexpo.com/ and www.eventseye.com

SOIS – Southwestern Ontario Industrial Show 2006

7-8 JuneOntario, CanadaSouthwestern Ontario Industrial ShowKeywords: Machines-tools, Tools, Metal working industries, Robotics, Subcontracting, suppliers & partners, Applied computer & Industrial engineering, Industrial fairs, Assembly and handling technologyContact: Reed Exhibitions Canada. Tel: +1 (416) 491-7565; Fax: +1 (416) 491-5088; E-mail: canada@reedexpo.com; web sites: www.reedexpo.ca/southwestern/ and www.allconferences.com

2006 IEEE International Conferences on Cybernetics & Intelligent Systems (CIS) and Robotics, Automation & Mechatronics

7-9 JuneBangkok, ThailandThe goal of the CIS 2006 is to bring together experts from the field of cybernetics and intelligent systems to discuss on the state-of-the-art and to present new research findings and perspectives of future developments with respect to the conference themesKeywords: Soft computing, Fuzzy systems, Computer intelligence, Neuro- fuzzy systems, Neural networks, DNA computing, Evolutionary logistics, Systems, Data mining and management, Informatics, Environmental systems, Human/ computer interaction, Human/machine systems, Image processing, Computer vision, Intelligent systems, Internet/ electronic commerce, Manufacturing systemsContact: web site: www.ntu.edu.sg/cis-ram/callpapers.htm

RIA Robotic Grinding, Deburring and Finishing Workshop (C,W)

15-16 June

Minnesota, USAIndustry leaders with the highest credentials for robotic grinding, deburring and finishing applications showcase their products and solutions during tabletop exhibitsKeywords: Grinding, Deburring, Finishing applications, Industrial roboticsContact: Robotic Industries Association. Tel: +1 734 994 6088; Fax: +1 734 994 3338; web sites: www.roboticsonline.com and www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

ROMANSY 2006 – 16th CISM- IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control

20-24 JuneWarsaw, PolandThe aim of ROMANSY is to bring together researchers from the broad ranges of disciplines referring to Robotics, in an intimate, collegial and stimulating environmentContact: E-mail: teresaz@meil.pw.edu.pl; web site: http://romansy.ia.pw.edu.pl/romansy2006_3.html

Automate Australia 2006

AugustMelbourne, AustraliaAustralian International Robotics & Industrial Automation ExhibitionKeywords: Industrial controllers, Automated assembly


30 August-1 SeptemberPortoroz, SloveniaInternational Power Electronics and Motion Control ConferenceKeywords: Industrial controllers, Electronic design & components, Sensors, Power electronics, Electrical & electro technical engineeringContact: EPE Association Ltd. E-mail: epe-association@etec2.vub.ac.be; web sites: www.epe-association.org/epe/index.html and www.eventseye.com/

Instrumentation Scotland 2006

1-3 SeptemberAberdeen, ScotlandExhibition for Sensors & Transducers, Controls & Programmable Controllers, Data AcquisitionKeywords: Measurement & testing, Industrial controllers, SensorsContact: Trident Exhibitions Ltd. E-mail: info@trident-exhibitions.co.uk; web sites: www.instrumentation.co.uk/ and www.eventseye.com/

SYROCO 2006 – 8th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control

6-8 SeptemberBologna, ItalyThe themes of the symposium will deal with basic research on control of robotic devices and on the application of robot control methodologies in advanced applicationsKeywords: Control theory, Robotics systems, Robotic devices, Mobile robots, Haptic devices, Virtual realityContact: Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems, University of Bologna. Tel: (+39) 051 2093034; Fax: (+39) 051 2093073; E-mail: syroco2006@deis.unibo.it; web site: www.syroco2006.deis.unibo.it

Controlo 2006 – 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control

11-13 SeptemberLisbon, PortugalThe CONTROLO '2006 will provide an excellent opportunity for presenting new results and to discuss the latest research and developments in the field of automatic controlKeywords: Automatic ControlContact: Instituto Superior, Técnico. E-mail: controlo2006@ist.utl.pt; web site: http://controlo2006.ist.utl.pt/

China Robot Expo 2006

14-17 SeptemberBeijing, ChinaRobotic & Automatic Manufacturing Equipments ExhibitionKeywords: Industrial controllers, Robotics, Applied computer & industrial engineeringContact: CEIEAC (China Enterprises International Exhibitions & Advertising Co. Ltd). Tel: 86-10-88361766; Fax: 86-10-88382248; E-mail: domestic2@ceieac.net; web sites: www.ceieac.net/ and www.eventseye.com

BIAS 2006

20-23 SeptemberMilan, ItalyInternational Conference-Exhibition of Automation, Robotics, Instrumentation and MicroelectronicsKeywords: Industrial controllers, SensorsContact: Bias Group Srl. E-mail: bias.group@bias-net.com; web sites: www.bias.it/ and www.eventseye.com/

9th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour

25-30 SeptemberRoma, ItalyThe objective of this interdisciplinary conference is to bring together researchers in computer science, artificial intelligence, alife, control, robotics, neurosciences, ethology, evolutionary biology, and related fields so as to further our understanding of the behaviors and underlying mechanisms that allow natural and artificial animals to adapt and survive in uncertain environmentsKeywords: Communication & language, Autonomous, Hybrid robots, Navigation and mapping, Applied adaptive behaviourContact: ISAB – International Society for Adaptive Behaviour. E-mail: sab2006@sab06.org; web site: www.sab06.org/

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