
Industrial Robot

ISSN: 0143-991X

Article publication date: 1 April 2005



(2005), "Diary", Industrial Robot, Vol. 32 No. 2. https://doi.org/10.1108/ir.2005.04932bac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited



2004 ASC Spring Convention & Exposition (C) (E)

17-20 AprilOhio, USAThe largest trade show dedicated to the adhesive and sealant industryKeywords: Assembly, AdhesivesContact: ASC. Tel: 301 986 9700; Fax: 301 986 9795; E-mail: liz.langlie@ascouncil.org; web site: www.ascouncil.org/meetings/

ICRA 05: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (C & E)

18-22 AprilBarcelona, SpainThe theme of the ICRA'05 conference, Robots get closer to humans raises issues in matters related to human robot interaction, in advances and experiences of robots at home, at work, for education, as well as in other emerging areasKeywords: Assembly, Disassembly, Robotics, Flexible Automation, Manipulation and Material Handling, Manufacturing Processes & Systems, Supply Channel Planning and Scheduling, Actuators, SensorsVision & Sensing, Control, Multi-Robot Systems, Motion Planning, Manipulation and Grasping, Mobile Robot Navigation, Localization and Mapping, Human-Machine Interfaces, Haptic Interfaces, Virtual Reality & Simulation, Humanoids, Mobile Robots, Biologically Inspired Robots, Agricultural, Medical, Space, EducationContact: IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, Technical University of Catalonia. E-mail: icra05@cimne.upc.es; web site: www.icra2005.org

Robots Get Closer To Humans (C)

18-22 AprilBarcelona, Spain2005 International Conference on Robotics and AutomationKeywords: Human Robot Interaction, AutomationContact: IEEE. E-mail: icra05program@ira.uka.de; web site: www.icra2005.org


19-22 AprilKiev, UkraineInternational Trade Fair for Machine- tools, Tools, Metal-Working, Manufacturing Technologies & Welding Trade Public once a year

Automotive Manufacturing 2005 (E)

1-30 MayBangkok, ThailandExposition of Machinery and Equipment for Automotive and Parts ManufacturingKeyword: AssemblyContact: Reed Tradex. Tel: +662 503 2199; Fax: +662 503 4643 1; E-mail: reed@reedtradex.co.th; web site: www.reedtradex.co.th/automan/

Worldtech – Assembly Tech 2005 (E)

5-8 MayBangkok, ThailandInternational Integrated Manufacturing Technology Exhibition. Incorporating: Factory automation, Power transmission, Fluid power & Compressor, Logismat & factory equipmentKeyword: AssemblyContact: Reed Tradex. Tel: +662 503 2200; Fax: +662 503 4643 2; E-mail: manufact@reedtradex.com; web site: www.reedtradex.co.th/worldtech/

Sensor & Test 2005 (E) (C)

10-12 MayNuremberg, GermanyFrom microsensors to complex test rigs, the entire range of measuring system competenceKeywords: Assembly, Automated Test Equipment (ATE)Contact: AMA. E-mail: info@sensorfairs.de; web site: www.sensorfairs.de

Motek France 2005 (E)

10-13 MayLyon, FranceInternational Trade Fair for Assembly and Handling TechnologyKeyword: AssemblyContact: P.E. Schall GmbH. Tel: +49 (0)702 592 06 0; Fax: +49 (0)702 592 06 20; E-mail: info@schall-messen.de; web site: www.schall-messen.de/

Manufacturing Asia 2005 (E)

11-14 MaySingaporeAsian International Showcase of Exhibitions on Factory Equipment & Supplies, Industrial Automation, Material Handling, Contract Manufacturing and Outsource Manufacturing Services. Incorporated in MTAKeyword: AssemblyContact: Singapore Exhibition Services Pte Ltd, Allworld Exhibitions. Tel: +65 6738 6776; Fax: +65 6732 6776; E-mail: events@sesallworld.com;web site: www.manufacturingasia.com/

IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (C1W)

16-18 MayTsukuba Science City, JapanKeywords: Machine Vision, Robotics, Sensors, Neural Networks, Image Processing, Signal Processing, Assembly, Medical Applications, Engineering Applications, Argricultural Applications, Augmented/Mixed RealityContact: IAPR TC-8, AIST. Tel: +81- 3-5452-6242; Fax: +81-3-5452-6244; E-mail: mva2005@m.aist.go.jp;web site: www.cvl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/mva/

Assembly Quebec 2005 (E)

17-19 MayMontreal, CanadaShow dedicated exclusively to the Function of Assembling Discrete Parts into Finished ProductsKeyword: AssemblyContact: Reed Exhibitions Canada. Tel: +1 (416) 491-7565; Fax: +1 (416) 491-7096; E-mail: canada@reedexpo.com; web site: www.reedexpo.ca/teq/

Motek Italy 2005 (E)

25-28 MayParma, ItalyInternational Trade Fair for Assembly and Handling TechnologyKeyword: AssemblyContact: P.E. Schall GmbH, Fiere di Parma. Tel: +49 (0)702 592 06 0; Fax: +49 (0)702 592 06 20; E-mail: info@schall-messen.de; web site: www.schall-messen.de/

Transducers'05 (C & E)5-9 JuneSeoul, KoreaIt is the world leading conference devoted to the advancement of high technologies in solid state sensors, microactuators, MEMS and MicrosystemsKeywords: Theory, Design, Analysis, Fabrication Technologies, Packaging and Assembly Technology, Mechanical and Physical Sensors, Chemical Sensors and Microsystems, Bio Microsystems and Fluidic Systems, Actuators, Optical Microsystems, RF MEMS, Sensing System, Algorithm and Sensor Networks, Nano Devices and Nano SensingContact: Kyungpook National University. Tel: +82 2 717 3280; Fax: +82 2 713 0270; E-mail: info@transducers05.com; web site: www.transducers05.com

IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (W)

6-9 JuneKobe, JapanThis 3rd workshop dedicated to identifying and elaborating on the key scientific issues, not limited to: User needs; Mobility; Sensors and perception; Human-robot interface and interaction; Distributed intelligenceKeywords: Sensors and perception,Human-robot interface and interaction,Distributed intelligence, Mobile Robots,Contact: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. E-mail: ssrr05@rescuesystem.org; web site: www.rescuesystem.org/ssrr2005

Contract Manufacturing Asia 2005 (E)

9-12 JuneHong Kong, ChinaInternational Contract Manufacturing Exhibition for AsiaKeyword: AssemblyContact: Business & Industrial Trade Fairs Ltd. Tel: (852) 2865 2633; Fax: (852) 2866 1770; E-mail: enquiry@bitf.com.hk; web site: www.bitf.com.hk/

CMTS 2005 (E)

14-16 JuneEdmonton, CanadaMachine Tool and Plant Engineering EventKeywords: Measurement and testing, Industrial controllers, Machine tools, Energy production, Metal working industries, Robotics, Quality and maintenanceContact: Reed Exhibitions Canada. Tel: 1 416 491 7565; Fax: 1 416 491 7096; E-mail: canada@reedexpo.com; web site: www.reedexpo.ca/

CMI – 11th Computer Maxillofacial Imaging Congress (C)

22-25 JuneBerlin, GermanyImaging Devices, Computer Aided Diagnosis, Automation, RoboticsKeywords: Imaging Devices, Computer Aided Diagnosis, Automation, RoboticsContact: E-mail: office@cars-int.org; web site: www.cars-int.org

ISCAS – 9th Annual Conference of the International Society for Computer Aided Surgery (C)

22-25 JuneBerlin, GermanyComputer Science, Neurosurgery, Automation, RoboticsKeywords: Robotics, Automation, SurgeryContact: E-mail: office@cars-int.org; web site: www.cars-int.org

The 18th International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems (C)

22-25 JuneBari, ItalyIEA/AIE 2005 continues the tradition of emphasizing applications of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems to solve real-life problems in all areas including, engineering, science, industry, automation & robotics, business and finance, medicine & biomedicine, bioinformatics, cyberspace, and man-machine interactionsKeywords: Man machine interaction, Robotics, AutomationContact: E-mail: fanizzi@gmx.it; web site: www.di.uniba.it/iea-aie/

CIRA 2005: IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (C)

27-30 JuneHelsinki, FinlandThe 6th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation provides an opportunity to present the latest research results, innovations, and potential future directionsKeywords: Robot manipulators, Microhandling and -manipulation, Modular robotics, Evolutionary robotics, Manipulator Control, Computer vision, Sensor fusion, Biologically inspired robotics, Neural networks, Fuzzy logic, Soft computing, Genetic algorithms, Intelligent systems, Adaptive and learning control, Agent technology, Modular robotics, Ambient intelligence, Co- operative robotics, Mobile robotics, MedicalContact: HUT Control Engineering Laboratory. Tel: +358 9 451 5200; E-mail: heikki.koivo@hut.fi; web site: www.control.hut.fi/cira2005/

ICORR: International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (C & E)

28 June-1 JulyIllinois, USAICORR highlights the most recent advances in the basic sciences of rehabilitation robotics.Human-machine interface, Sensors, Robotics, Medical, Assistive robotics, Therapeutic robotics, Brain-machine interfaces for rehabilitation, Robotics in prosthetics and orthotics, Hardware and control developments for rehabilitation, Evaluation methods, Biorobotics and biomimetics, Sensory/ motor control learningKeywords: Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC), Northwestern UniversityContact: E-mail: m-devitt@northwestern.edu; web site: www.rehabrobotics.org

2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (C & W)

2-6 AugustAlberta, CanadaKeywords:: Sensors, Smart Sensors, Robotics, Intelligent SystemsContact: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society/Robotics Society of Japan. Tel: +852 2609-8282; Fax: +852 2603-5558; E-mail: max@ee.cuhk.edu.hk; web site: www.iros2005.org/

Automate Australia 2005 (E)

30 August-1 SeptemberSydney, AustraliaAustralian International Robotics & Industrial Automation ExhibitionKeyword: Industrial controllersContact: AES, Diversified Business Communications. E-mail: 61 3 9261 4500; Fax: 61 3 9261 4545; E-mail: shows@ausexhibit.com.au; web site: www.ausexhibit.com.au/

THE 8th International Conference of the Slovenian Society for Non-destructive Testing (C)

1-3 SeptemberPortorozÏ, SloveniaNondestructive TestingKeyword: Acoustic EmissionContact: The Slovenian Society for Non-destructive Testing. Tel: +386 1 477 12 03; Fax: +386 1 477 12 25; E-mail: janez.grum@f.uni-lj.si; web site: www.cndt.cz/aktuality/ljubljana.pdf

27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (C)

1-4 SeptemberShanghai, ChinaEngineering in Medicine and BiologyKeywords: Robotics, Automation, SurgeryContact: E-mail: emb-conferences@ieee/org; web site: www.ee.cuhk.edu.hk/EMBC05shanghai/

Quality Testing International (QTI) 2nd International Trade Fair at Essen – Welding (E)

12-17 SeptemberEssen, GermanyWeldingKeywords: Acoustic emission, WeldingContact: DGZfP. Tel: +49 30 678 07 120; Fax: +49 30 678 07 129; E-mail: tagungen@dgzfp.de; web site: www.dgzfp.de

ICINCO 2005 – 2nd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (C)

14-17 SeptemberBarcelona, SpainConference on control automation and roboticsKeywords: Robotics, Automation, SurgeryContact: E-mail: secretariat@icinco.org; web site: www.icinco.org/


18-21 OctoberGoteborg, SwedenAutomation exhibitionKeywords: Industrial controllers, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Transmissions, Measuring, Control, Regulating technology, Electronics, Industrial computer technology, Robotics, Material handlingContact: Svenska Massan. Tel: 46 31 708 80 00; Fax: 46 31 16 03 30; E-mail: info@swefair.se; web site: www.swefair.se/

IEEE Sensors 2005 (C)

31 October-3 NovemberCalifornia, USA4th IEEE Conference on SensorsKeywords: Sensors, Actuator, Chemical and Gas Sensors, Biosensors, Optical Sensors, Mechanical Sensors, Physical SensorsContact: IEEE. E-mail: ashkel@uci.edu; web site: oxide.eng.uci.edu/ieees05/index.htm

Ammtech 2005 (E)

1-30 NovemberVincenza, ItalyAssembling and Handling Technology ExhibitionKeyword: AssemblyContact: Fiera di Vicenza. Tel: +39 04 44 969 111; E-mail: info@vicenzafiera.it; web site: www.ammtech.it/


5 NovemberBeijing, ChinaRobotic & Automatic Manufacturing Equipments ExhibitionKeywords: Industrial controllers, Robotics, Applied computer engineeringContact: CEIEAC (China Enterprises International Exhibitions & Advertising Co, Ltd.) Tel: 86 10 88361766; Fax: 86 10 88382248; E- mail: info@ceieac.net; web site: www.ceieac.net/


Assemblexpo 2006 (E)

6 MarchParis, FranceInternational Exhibition of Industrial Assembly Machines, Equipment and ComponentsKeywords: Machines, Tools, Robotics, Assembly and handling technologyContact: Exposium. Tel: 33 1 49 68 51 00; Fax: 33 1 47 37 75 09; E-mail: infos@exposium.fr; web site: www.exposium.fr/

Industrie 2006 (E)

6 MarchParis, FranceFrench leader industry eventKeywords: Surface treatment technologies, Coatings, Cad cam design, Machine tools, Metal working industries, Robotics, Logistics, Mechanical componentsContact: Exposium. Tel: 33 1 49 68 51 00; Fax: 33 1 47 37 75 09; E-mail: infos@exposium.fr; web site: www.exposium.fr/

Automation & Robotics (E)

6 AprilBirmingham, UKLatest advances in the automation and robotic sectorKeywords: Industrial controllers, RoboticsContact: MTTA, DMG World Media. Tel: 020 7298 6400: Fax: 020 7298 6430; E-mail: info@mta.org.uk; web site: www.mta.org.uk/

NFAS – National Factory Automation Show 2006 (E)

15-17 MayMontreal, CanadaNational Factory Automation ShowKeywords: Industrial controllers, Robotics, Applied computer and industrial engineeringContact: Reed Exhibitions Canada. Tel: 1 416 491 7565; Fax: 1 416 491 7096; E-mail: canada@reedexpo.com;web site: www.reedexpo.ca/

Humanitarian Robotics (C)

15-19 MayOrlando, Florida2006 International Conference on Robotics and AutomationKeywords: Human robot interaction, AutomationContact: IEEE. web site: www.icra2006.org

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