(2005), "Foster-Miller unveils TALON robot that detects chemicals, gases, radiation and heat", Industrial Robot, Vol. 32 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Foster-Miller unveils TALON robot that detects chemicals, gases, radiation and heat
Foster-Miller unveils TALON™ robot that detects chemicals, gases, radiation and heat
Keywords: Robotics, Sensors, Military actions
Foster-Miller, Inc., has announced that its newest TALON™ robots are equipped with off-the-shelf chemical, gas, temperature, and radiation sensors that can be read simultaneously, remotely and in real time via one integrated hand-held display unit invented by Foster-Miller. TALON™ robots (Plate 2) are the only robots on the market that now offer this crucial sensing capability to civilian first-responders and the military.
Plate 2
The Talon ™ robot
Mounted on the TALON™ robot are:
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Smiths APD 2000 advanced portable chemical agent detector.
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Draeger Multiwarn II gas detector.
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Raytek Raynger MX4+ temperature sensor.
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Thermo FH40GL radiation detector.
The APD 2000 detects chemical warfare agents, gamma radiation and irritants such as pepper spray and mace. The Draeger Multiwarn II can measure more than 50 gases including carbon dioxide, methane, propane, fuels and solvents. The Raytek Raynger MX4 + is the most advanced portable thermometer in the industry and the only one designed with precise infrared beam tracking. It is accurate to within 18C and can be used to remotely sense the heat of a fire behind a closed door. The Thermo FH40GL takes measurements between 30 keV and 1.3 MeV and can record a radiological exposure rate from 1 μ R/h to 10 R/h.
Foster-Miller integrated the four sensors into one hand-held personal digital assistant (PDA) so that robot operators can send TALON™ to check an area for the presence of chemicals, radiation, gases or fires before personnel enter. Other off-the- shelf sensor brands and options will also be offered on future TALON™ robots, including BAE Systems' Chem Sentry 150C, Rae Systems' Neutron RAE and Canberra's AN/VDR.
The first sensor-suite robot is ready to be delivered to the US Army's Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) Fire Department, Picatinny, NJ, USA.
“Foster-Miller is proud to be able to further assist and protect first responders, bomb squads and military EOD units as they carry out their life- saving work,” said Dr William Ribich, president of Foster-Killer. “This enhanced detection capability joins a long list of tasks that can be performed by our versatile and reliable TALON™ robots.”
Workhorse of Iraq and Afghanistan, Foster-Miller's TALON™ robots have already performed over 10,000 explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) missions. They are rugged, all-weather platforms capable of maneuvering in desert or beach sand, snow, water, grassy or wooded terrain, and inside buildings.
TALON™ robots can climb stairs and sustain falls and right themselves. They have been lowered into landing zones by helicopters, dropped from moving vehicles and launched offshore to reach underwater targets. They were the only US-made robots successfully used at the World Trade Center in the aftermath of September 11.
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