Underwater Robots: Motion and Force Control of Vehicle-Manipulator Systems

Industrial Robot

ISSN: 0143-991X

Article publication date: 1 June 2004




Rigelsford, J. (2004), "Underwater Robots: Motion and Force Control of Vehicle-Manipulator Systems", Industrial Robot, Vol. 31 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/ir.2004.04931cae.002



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Underwater Robots: Motion and Force Control of Vehicle-Manipulator Systems

Underwater Robots: Motion and Force Control of Vehicle-Manipulator Systems

Gianluca AntonelliSpringer2003183 pp.ISBN 3-540-00054-2£49.00 Hardcover

Keywords: Robots, Underwater, Manipulators

The Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) provides high quality, rapid publication of new developments and advances in the fields of robotics research.

This monograph is an extended version of the author's PhD thesis and addresses the main control aspects of underwater manipulation. Chapter 1 discusses Modelling of Underwater Robots and presents rigid body kinematics and dynamics, hydrodynamic effects, gravity and buoyancy, and thrusters' dynamics. It also addresses underwater vehicle's dynamics in matrix form, kinematics of manipulators with a mobile base, dynamics of underwater vehicles- manipulator systems (UVMS), and contact with the environment.

Chapter 2, Kinematic Control, addresses the application of kinematic control to UVMSs, fuzzy inverse kinematics, simulations and areas of further research.

A literature survey of UVMSs dynamic control, sliding mode- adaptive- and output feedback control, and virtual decomposition based control, are amongst the topics discussed in chapter 3, Dynamic Control. This chapter also presents experiments on ODIN: an autonomous underwater vehicle, and an analysis on the use of adaptive/integral control actions for underwater vehicle control.

The fourth and final chapter of the book addresses Interaction Control. Topics discussed includes introduction to interaction control of robots, external force control, explicit force control, and areas of further research.

The two appendices provide additional information about SIMURV: a simulation package for underwater vehicle manipulator systems, and the parameters of the different mathematical models used in the book.

“Underwater Robots” is a well-written reference text. Its strong mathematical contents make it unsuitable as an introductory robotics text, but it will be invaluable to academics and researchers involved with motion and force control of underwater vehicle-manipulator systems.

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