Donovan, R.P. (2002), "Contamination‐free Manufacturing for Semiconductors and Other Precision Products", Industrial Robot, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 370-371.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2002, MCB UP Limited
Contamination‐free Manufacturing for Semiconductors and Other Precision Products provides a contemporary snapshot of a continuously changing discipline. The book is primarily aimed at semiconductor manufacturers but its comprehensive coverage of the origins, procedures and disposal of a variety of contaminants makes it useful to other industries as well.
The book comprises 11 chapters divided into five sections which present the current understanding and practices of contamination control. An introduction and the national technology roadmap for semiconductors are presented in chapters 1 and 2. They address the contamination problem and target control levels. The second part of the book (chapters 3 to 5) discusses the detection and measurement of contaminants. The chapters address off‐wafer measurement of particles, and on‐wafer measurement of molecular contaminants.
Chapters 6 to 8 make up the third part of the book and discuss transport and decomposition of aerosol particles, particulate desposition in liquid systems, and deposition of molecular contaminants in gaseous environments. Part four addresses the removal of contamination and includes chapters discussing organic contamination removal, and the desposition of metallic contaminants from liquids and their removal. The final part and chapter discusses sources of contamination and their control.
Overall, this is a well written and informative reference text.