Laser vision system can be built into welding robot's controller

Industrial Robot

ISSN: 0143-991X

Article publication date: 1 August 2002




(2002), "Laser vision system can be built into welding robot's controller", Industrial Robot, Vol. 29 No. 4.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2002, MCB UP Limited

Laser vision system can be built into welding robot's controller

Laser vision system can be built into welding robot's controller

Keywords: Vision, Seam tracking, Welding

Reliable seam tracking at up 15m/min, more than double the speed that was previously available, is a significant advance of the new laser pilot MTR finding and tracking system for robot welding, says British manufacturer, Meta Vision Systems. Suitable for arc and laser welding of all seam types, it may for the first time be totally integrated into the controller of major makes of robot, offering high functionality at lower cost to end users, integrators and robot OEMs.

Principal enhancement of the new MTR is the control system, whereby a single processing board replaces the need for a PC and other vision cards. All software required for system operation resides in flash memory. Programming the unit is simplified by Windows-based software called MTR Tools, which is provided on a CD and is used on a lap top or PC connected by a serial lead to the MTR. After system installation and when programming is complete, settings are saved onto the processing board and MTR Tools is disconnected, protecting settings during operation.

Each laser pilot MTR is configured to suit user requirements. It consists of a robust laser sensor head with a choice of 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, and 60mm field of view, a sensor mounting plate (optionally water cooled), and a camera cable connecting the sensor to a control box if the system is not integrated (Plate 4).

Alternatively, the board-level version without control cabinet allows full integration into the robot OEM's controller. Communication interfaces using serial or analogue/digital protocols currently exist for ABB, Cloos, Comau, Fanuc, Kuka, Motoman and Neos, but any make can be accommodated.

Plate 4 The new Meta Laser Pilot MTR finding and tracking system can be integrated into any robot controller if required and supports welding speeds up to 15m/min

The latest laser pilot MTR represents a major advance on its successful predecessor, which over the last five years has increased productivity, reduced scrap and rework and cut jig and fixture costs in robot welding applications worldwide. Features include outputs for fully adaptive weld control, e.g. wire feed rate, positioning accuracy better than 0.1mm, low maintenance costs and sensor diagnostics for rapid fault finding and correction.

For further information contact: Dr Andrew Pryce, Sales and Marketing Director, Meta Vision Systems Ltd, Oakfield House, Oakfield Industrial Estate, Eynsham, Oxfordshire OX8 1TH. Tel: 01865 887900; Fax: 01865 887901; E-mail: sales@

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