Internet page

Industrial Robot

ISSN: 0143-991X

Article publication date: 1 February 2001



Rigelsford, J. (2001), "Internet page", Industrial Robot, Vol. 28 No. 1.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited

Internet page Systems Laboratory – University of Maryland

Keywords Space travel, Robotics

The Space Systems Laboratory (SSL) was founded in 1976 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is dedicated to making human beings more productive while working in space. The SSL believes that both humans and robots working together can attain this goal.

Robotic systems are currently being developed which are capable of assisting astronauts in EVA (spacewalk) tasks. This allows EVA excursions to be shorter and safer and in some cases allowing astronauts to perform tasks that would otherwise be impossible. The SSL also studies how the human body works in space, quantifying human abilities in orbit, and designs tools and systems to help astronauts work in space. The Space Systems Laboratory developed the first neutral buoyancy version of a manned manoeuvring unit, which allows astronauts to fly untethered around the space shuttle. NASA now uses SAFER, a similar device, to ensure the safety of astronauts during EVA excursions.

The site contains information about the SSL, research facilities, details of current and completed projects and a list of publications. Overall it is well presented and worth a visit. IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Service Robots Technical Committee

Keywords: Robotics, Automation

The IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Service Robots Technical Committee was founded to account for a steadily growing international community of researchers and engineers who develop robot systems that provide services of various kinds to human users. The committee held its first meeting during the 1995 International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Nagoya, Japan and is a forum for the exchange of information related to the design and development of service robots.

It aims to bring together researchers and developers from various disciplines such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence and cognitive science. The committee also wishes to serve as a contact point and catalyst for bringing industries interested in the field of service robotics together with the research community.

This Web site contains plenty of information about the technical committee including its working groups, minutes of meetings and a useful list of links to other sites related to service robotics. Kinetic Sciences Inc.

Keywords: Aerospace industry, Robotics

Kinetic Sciences Inc. was established in March 1991 and is located in Vancouver, BC, Canada, close to the University of British Columbia (UBC) campus and Vancouver International Airport. The company was originally formed to create advanced robotics and computer vision systems, with the majority of the work coming from the aerospace industry. Gecko Systems

Keywords: Automation, Monitoring

This site contains information about the CareBot produced by Gecko Systems. The CareBot helps you to care for your family, home and business 24 hours per day. It is capable of errand running, home automation control, home entertainment control, fire and smoke detection, remote fire alarm reset, and intruder alert and monitoring. Motor Company's Humanoid Robot Site

Keywords: Robots, Cars

Honda started the humanoid robot research and development program in 1986. The basic concept of the robot was something that should have "intelligence", "mobility" and "should coexist and co-operate with human beings, by doing what a person cannot do and cultivating a new dimension in mobility, both of which would result in added value to society".

This is a very interesting Web site that contains a large amount of information about Honda's humanoid robot. The site contains technical information and specifications and even movies of the robot which can be downloaded. Overall a very good site. Robotics Resources and Robotic Information

Keywords: Robotics, Information

This site contains information about EMTM 695, a graduate level course in robotics and automation. The site contains general and course information, details of laboratory exercises and projects, resources and interesting links. The links page is especially useful with sites being categorised as research, commercial or "other".

Overall quite an interesting site but especially worth visiting for the links to other robotics sites.

HOT SITES and Fraunhofer IPA Database on Service RobotsKeywords Robots, Information

This database is intended as an information and communication platform for researchers, developers, manufacturers and users of service robots. It also aims to act as a forum for other people who are just interested in service robotics. This site is referenced in Service Robots published by AK Peters (see "Media review" section) instead of a static list of references. Information about a wide range of service robots is classified under the following sections: agriculture, care/rehabilitation, cleaning, construction, demining, entertainment, fire-fighting, hobby/leisure time, hotel/restaurant, marketing, medical, mining, monitoring, office, reconstruction, refuelling, sorting, space and underwater.

This is an excellent site which contains a huge amount of information about service robots. One thing that could be improved is the addition of more links to other sites which give further details of the robots listed in the database. MIT Leg Laboratory

Keywords: Robots, Dynamic

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Leg Laboratory is dedicated to studying legged locomotion and building dynamic legged robots. It specialises in exploring the roles of balance and dynamic control and is interested in simulating and building creatures which walk, run and hop like their biological counterparts.

The Leg Laboratory has three reasons for pursuing research into robots with legs, namely:

  1. 1.

    improved accessibility for inaccessible or hazardous environments;

  2. 2.

    an improved understanding how humans and other animals walk and run is interesting scientifically and important medically; and, finally

  3. 3.

    because they enjoy it!

The Web site contains information about the research and researchers at the laboratory, information about graduate classes, an eight-minute narrated video which can be downloaded, guidelines for dealing with reporters, photographers and other people who want to talk about their work, a chronological guide to developments in the Leg Laboratory from 1980 to the present and lots more.

Overall it is a superbly presented and interesting site and worthy of its recommendation by the Discovery Channel.

Jon Rigelsford

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