(2001), "New TM Robotics palletiser offers ground-breaking payload", Industrial Robot, Vol. 28 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
New TM Robotics palletiser offers ground-breaking payload
New TM Robotics palletiser offers ground-breaking payload
Keywords Robotics, Palletising
The SR-HZ series of palletising robots from TM Robotics, the exclusive European partner to Toshiba Machines, is set to take its place at the forefront of industrial processes.
The robots use SCARA technology and feature an impressive payload of 50 or 70kg respectively that means that both are ideally suited to carrying heavy parts (see Plate 5).
A long arm that, according to the client's preference, can have a full length of between 1,050 and 1,950mm complements this powerful application. This offers a wide working envelope, the use of which is maximized by a highly rigid arm designed to withstand hour-long operation. The robot is also equipped with an elevation mechanism, optimizing the range of the working envelope.
Plate 5 The SR-HZ
series of palletising robots from TM Robotics offer a ground-breaking payload
The absolute position detecting system that is standard across the series means that no zero return is necessary and provides a greater degree of accuracy. In fact the larger of the two robots on the range is accurate to within ±0.02mm.
The SR-1504HZ system is controlled by a high performance SR7000L controller, whilst the SR-1054HZ uses the SR7000 system with the addition of a regenerative resistor. Both systems allow simultaneous five-axis control and are capable of integrating quickly with other industrial automation equipment. Either system can simultaneously process input and output signals during robot motion.
The 32-bit controller is capable of controlling up to five axes simultaneously, with options for PTP, short cut, linear interpolation and circular interpolation motion modes. With a total memory capacity of 6,400 points (12,800 steps), the controller also offers a multitask function, allowing a maximum of four tasks.
The mechanical movements of the Scara robots are controlled using Toshiba's own revolutionary digital servomotors, amplifiers and motion controllers.
For further information, please contact: Nigel Smith, TM Robotics (Europe) Ltd, Suite 1, Concord House, Grenville Place, Mill Hill, London NW7 3SA, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 8906 9825; Fax: +44 (0)20 8959 0081.