(2000), "New compact, hollow shaft encoders high on sophistication, low on price", Industrial Robot, Vol. 27 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
New compact, hollow shaft encoders high on sophistication, low on price
Keywords: Robots, Encoder technology
One of the main benefits of the new MEH series of hollow shaft encoders from Encoder Technology is its exceptional breadth, making it a product suitable for all levels of sophistication (see Plate 3). Resolutions range from 32 lines to a full 54,000 lines with options of up to 7,200,000 pulses per revolution which can be interpolated to 28,000,000 if required. Standard encoders measure from only l3mm OD (with 1.5mm hollow shaft bore) – 200mm OD (with a 90mm hollow shaft bore). Specials are also available.
Plate 3 One
of the main benefits of the new MEH series of hollow shaft encoders from Encoder
Technology is its exceptional breadth, making it a product suitable for all
levels of sophistication
This wide choice allows most needs to be met by this versatile design in applications stretching from machine tools, high performance test and measurement apparatus to radar and satellite tracking systems. These encoders are particularly suited to applications which require the accurate translation of positioning data across an extended physical distance. They are therefore ideal for long-arm robot applications and remote satellite tracking systems where the highest accuracy angular measurements are required.
There are two important factors which differentiate the MEH hollow shaft range of encoders from its competitors. The design is more compact and therefore suitable for a wider range of applications. The MEH range is also less expensive. Both benefits are the result of consistent investment in design and manufacture.
The MEH range is manufactured by MicroTec Laboratory Inc. (MTL) of Japan. MTL is one of Asia's premier manufacturers of encoders with a long-standing working relationship with the continent's automotive industry and research associations. Much of its work is Government sponsored and this funding has led to the introduction of many new encoder products.
Designers in the UK can now take advantage of this technology via sole UK distributor, Encoder Technology. Details of the MEH range and other models manufactured by MTL are resident on the company's Web site at
For further information please contact: Encoder Technology, 3, Russells Close, East Preston, West Sussex BN16 1BP, UK. Tel./Fax: +44 (1) 903 771402.