(1999), "Internet page", Industrial Robot, Vol. 26 No. 5.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
Internet page
Keywords Internet, Robots, Automotive
The DaimlerChrysler Web site is easy to navigate and contains plenty of information. There are news items, company information, investor relations, research & technology, environmental issues, special reports, history and careers information available. Both the original Daimler-Benz and Chrysler Corporation Web sites have been converted into archive sites. International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation
ISATA, the International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, was founded in 1972 at the request of the major car companies in Europe. The aim of the Symposium is to facilitate the exchange of information on the latest innovations in automotive technologies. The Symposium is recognised world wide as the largest European automotive forum with international participation and attracts international automotive experts from over 108 different countries to exchange new ideas and generate the expansion of knowledge. Motor Company UK
A well presented site with plenty of information about the Ford motor company. The site includes the current range of cars, transits and vans, dealers, finance plans, information about Ford Direct used cars and "the world of Ford". Company history and a screen saver is also available.
Formed in 1992, the United States Council for Automotive Research (USCAR) is the umbrella organisation of DaimlerChrysler, Ford and General Motors. USCAR aims to further strengthen the technology base of the US domestic auto industry through co-operative pre-competitive research.The USCAR Web site contains a media centre, Future car challenge, news and information pages and links to related sites. Information can also be found about specific technologies, recycling, reuse and recovery, batteries, lightweight materials, engines and other power sources, safety, integrating technologies, making technologies affordable, further reducing emissions and benefiting today's vehicles. of Automotive Engineers
The Society of Automotive Engineers is a useful resource for technical information and expertise used in designing, building, maintaining, and operating self-propelled vehicles for use on land or sea, in air or space. Some patience is needed when navigating this site as it is huge! Web Site
FISITA is the International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies, which represents over 130,000 automotive engineers around the world. FISITA is an independent, charitable association committed to using advances in engineering technology to enhance automotive safety, the environment and the conservation of natural resources. This society was founded in 1948. FISITA's role is to act as a catalyst for the creation of efficient, affordable, safe and sustainable transportation systems, by providing a global forum for dialogue between engineers, industry, government, academia, environmental and standards organisations.
Hot sites Safety Research Group
The aim of the Vehicle Safety Research Group is to conduct fundamental and applied research into human aspects of both primary safety (accident causation) and secondary safety (injury causation) and to incorporate human factors into automotive design. The Vehicle Safety Research Group is multi-disciplinary and comprises ergonomists, psychologists, mechanical engineers and information technology specialists. Current research activities fall into three main topics: the safety of advanced technology applications for in-vehicle systems, integrating human factors into the design process and the enhancement of secondary safety systems performance. - The Motor Industry Research Association
MIRA is the world's leading independent automotive technology centre and provides research, information, consultancy, predictive modelling, development, validation and homologation, and has a comprehensive range of high-tech facilities. They can develop whole vehicles, sub-systems and components for clients world wide. Based in the UK, MIRA are supported in both the USA (MIRA North America, MNA) and the Pacific Rim (MIRA Korea). MIRA can provide: benchmarking, body and safety engineering, component engineering, electrical and electronic systems (EMC), ergonomics and engineering analysis, automotive information, NVH/braking/vehicle dynamics, powertrain and emissions, project management, CAE, vehicle development, vehicle proving and new wet grip circuit.
This site contains information about their engineering capabilities, current research work, a promotions page for publications and forthcoming conferences and the facility to purchase online reports and documents from the MIRA Information Centre.