(1999), "An Introduction to Reliability & Quality Engineering", Industrial Robot, Vol. 26 No. 5.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
An Introduction to Reliability & Quality Engineering
J.P. BentleyLongman Group1993192 pp.ISBN 0-582-08970-0£18.99
Keywords Reliability, Quality
This book is an introduction to the topics of quality and reliability and is aimed at undergraduate students on electrical, electronic, instrumentation/control, mechanical, manufacturing and chemical engineering degree courses. The mathematics covered in the text is limited to the minimum necessary for understanding the principles involved and much of the material covered could be useful to professional engineers.
Chapter 1 introduces the principles of quality and reliability and explains practical definitions and relevant statistics. Chapter 2 addresses the reliability of systems while the third chapter discusses typical failure rate data and models. Total quality management, the influence of quality and reliability on product economics and how quality and reliability in manufacture can be achieved at the design, production and testing stages are covered in chapter 4. The fifth chapter discusses reliability in maintenance. The final chapter, chapter 6, presents a case study of a protective system for a hazardous chemical process.
An Introduction to Reliability & Quality Engineering is a comprehensively illustrated and well written text which clearly presents this topic.