(1999), "Integrated Product and Process Development: Methods, Tools and Technologies", Industrial Robot, Vol. 26 No. 5.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
Integrated Product and Process Development: Methods, Tools and Technologies
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.1998412 pp.ISBN 0-471-15597-7£65.00
Keywords Production
This volume contains 14 reviewed articles which are divided into three sections. It is intended to bring together articles that present ideas and applications relevant to integrated product and process development.
Section 1 discusses topics on product design. It consists of five chapters which cover identifying customer preferences in quality function deployment using group decision-making techniques, functional design, time-driven product development, an integrated data model of function, behaviour and structure for computer-aided conceptual design of mechanisms and a Web-based system to enhance IPPD (integrated product and process development) by automating designer communication and data access.
The second section of the text includes four chapters discussing process design. Chapter 6 addresses rapid prototyping and manufacturing which is seen as the essential link between design and manufacturing. The following three chapters discuss case-based process planning for three-dimensional machined components, an integrated methodology for product and process development in automated manufacturing control system design and a graph-theoretic approach with fuzzy critique to manufacturing diagnosis.
Section 3 presents five case studies. These cover integrated process in defence manufacturing, anticipating manufacturing constraints and opportunities in the concept generation and product planning phases and effective product and process development using quality function deployment. Chapter 13 addresses design flow management and multidisciplinary design optimisation in application to aircraft concept sizing, while the final chapter discusses integrated design and process planning for microwave modules.
Overall this is a very well written book suitable for anyone interested in integrated product and process development.