Rigelsford, J. (1999), "Machine Vision", Industrial Robot, Vol. 26 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
Machine Vision
Machine Vision
R. Jain, R. Kasturi and B.G. SchunkMcGraw-Hill1995549 pp.ISBN 0-07-113407-7£23.99
This book is aimed at undergraduate, early graduate level students and anyone who wants to apply machine vision to solve problems. It gives an easy to understand introduction to machine vision, and only covers the essential mathematics.
The 15 chapters of the book can be roughly separated into two, with the first half covering 2-dimensional analysis of images and the second half progressing to 3-dimensions. Chapter 1 gives an overall introduction to machine vision and chapter 2 covers binary image processing and general techniques used in all aspects of a vision system. Regions, image filtering and enhancement, edge detection and contours, are all clearly explained in chapters 3 to 6. The subsequent chapters include texture analysis, essentials of geometric optics, shading and reflection, colour, depth information from images using passive and active methods, calibration and orientation.
The final three chapters discuss curves and surfaces, dynamic vision, and object recognition. The appendices cover additional information on mathematical concepts, statistical methods, and programming techniques.
Although Figure 1.11 is missing a histogram, and the text does little to instill enthusiasm in the reader, overall this is a very clear and well written book. It presents the numerous topics in a simple manner, using a variety of pictures and diagrams to highlight concepts found in the text.