(2005), "Maurice Line: a curriculum vitae", Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 33 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Maurice Line: a curriculum vitae
Born 21 June 1928.
Bedford School, 1939-47; Exeter College, Oxford University 1947-50 (BA, English language and literature; MA 1954).
Companion of the Chartered Management Institute; Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP); Hon. Fellow of CILIP, 1987; President of the Library Association, 1990.
Hon. D.Litt, Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh), 1980; Hon. D.Sc, Southampton University, 1988; Fellow of Birmingham Polytechnic, 1992; Medal of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1990.
Posts held
Bodleian Library, Oxford (trainee, 1950-1951); Glasgow University Library (Library Assistant, 1951-1954); Southampton University Library (Sub-Librarian, 1954-1965); Newcastle upon Tyne University Library (Deputy Librarian, 1965-1968); Bath University Library (Librarian, 1968-1971); National Central Library (Librarian, 1971-1973); The British Library (Director-General, Lending Division, 1974-1985; Director-General, Science Technology and Industry, 1985-1988); Consultant, 1988-2000 (specializing in the management of change).
Associate Professor, Sheffield University Department of Information Science, 1977-; External Professor, Loughborough University Department of Information and Library Studies, 1986-1992.
Board memberships
British Library Board, 1974-1988; Board of Directors, Engineering Information, Inc., 1991-1999.
Chair, UK Friends of the Alexandria Library, 1992-2000.
Editorial work
Editor, Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library Issues, 1989-2002; General Editor, Librarianship and Information Work Worldwide, 1991-2000.
IFLA activities
Secretary, Section on International Lending, 1972-1977; Director, Office for International Lending, 1975-1988; Director, International Programme for UAP (Universal Availability of Publications), 1980-1989; Chair, Section of National Libraries, 1985-1989; Chair Round Table of Editors of Library Journals, 1997-1999. Member of Standing Committees of several other sections at various times.
One of the pioneers of library automation in the UK. Centrally involved in the development of the British Library from the first stages of planning in 1991.
Information requirements of the social sciences; design of information systems in the social sciences; application of automation to the national library system; interlibrary lending and document supply; bibliometric studies; etc.
Fourteen books, 40 research reports and 418 articles on a wide range of professional topics; translations have appeared in 20 languages.
Has carried out over 50 consultancies in 16 different countries. Has visited over 40 countries in a professional context.
Personal interests
Social issues (penal reform, globalisation, poverty, etc.), music, walking.
Local activities
Chair, United Nations Association – Harrogate Branch; Chair, Harrogate University of the Third Age (U3A). Lectures to local groups on social and international issues and other topics.