Strategy meeting on decade of education on sustainability takes place

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

ISSN: 1467-6370

Article publication date: 1 September 2003



(2003), "Strategy meeting on decade of education on sustainability takes place", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 4 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited

Strategy meeting on decade of education on sustainability takes place

A total of 11 distinguished international organisations that pledged themselves at the Johannesburg Summit in South Africa last year to help make sustainable development a key focus of curriculum at every level of education worldwide have met at United Nations University Centre, in Tokyo, to map out a strategy towards that goal.

UNU Rector Hans van Ginkel says the group will identify priorities and crystallise plans for the world’s decade of education for sustainable development. At the summit, world-leading institutions in education and science signed the Ubuntu Declaration. Ubuntu – a Zulu word that roughly means “humanity towards others” – is the name of that part of the conference at which the agreement was reached.

Signatories to the declaration are:

  • African Academy of Science, Nairobi, Kenya;

  • Copernicus-Campus, Dortmund, Germany;

  • Global HigherEducation for Sustainability Partnership, Paris, France;

  • InternationalAssociation of Universities, Paris, France;

  • InternationalCouncil for Science, Paris, France;

  • Science Council of Asia, Tokyo, Japan;

  • Third World Academyof Sciences, Trieste, Italy;

  • University Leaders for a Sustainable Future, Washington, DC, USA;

  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris;

  • United NationsUniversity (UNU), Tokyo;

  • World Federation of Engineering Organizations, Salangor, Malaysia

Further details and updates on developments related to the International Decade on Education for Sustainable Development can be obtained at:

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