(2003), "Developing Capacity Through Technical Cooperation: Country Experiences", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 4 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited
Developing Capacity Through Technical Cooperation: Country Experiences
Developing Capacity Through Technical Cooperation: Country Experiences
Stephen BrowneEarthscanLondon224 pp.ISBN 1 853839 69 8£17.95
Developing Capacity Through Technical Cooperation presents a powerful set of country studies that convincingly demonstrate how much technical cooperation can contribute to sustainable national capacity and what is forfeited when it is not used for capacity building. The book makes a useful contribution to deepening our understanding of capacity development. The specific country experiences bring out the tremendous opportunities that are lost when technical cooperation is applied for purposes other than capacity development. Conversely, what is also clear from these case studies is that there are huge opportunities to be gained if technical cooperation is viewed as a means for building and nurturing sustainable national capacities.