
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

ISSN: 1467-6370

Article publication date: 1 June 2003



(2003), "Diary", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 4 No. 2. https://doi.org/10.1108/ijshe.2003.24904bac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited


San Antonio, Texas6-10 April 2003SAGEEP will be held in San Antonio, Texas, at the Omni Hotel. For a full list of session topics and information on how to submit abstracts for review, access the EEGS Web site (www.eegs.org) and click on the SAGEEP 2003 logo or click on the following link: www.eegs.org/PDFfiles/Call%20for%20papers.pdf

International Symposium Environment 2010: Situation and Perspectives for the European Union

Oporto, Portugal6-10 May 2003The meeting will be held in Oporto, Portugal, from 6-10 May, 2003, and will look at the connections between environmental issues and sustainable development in the European Union and accession countries.

Further details are available at: http://www.fe.up.pt/environment2010

Environmental Studies Association of Canada/L’association canadienne des études environnementales 10th Annual Conference

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada29-31 May 2003The ESAC/ACÉE annual conference is a meeting point for scholars, professionals, and activists from across Canada and internationally who work in areas of environmental concern. It is held as part of the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, the largest academic gathering in North America. The theme for the congress and for our ESAC/ACÉE this year is conflict and cooperation. To find out more about the ESAC/ACÉE conference, please visit the following Web site, available at: http://www.thegreenpages.ca/esac/index.htmor contact

The Sustainability Forum

Portland, Oregon, USA29-31 May 2003The goals of the forum are: to bring together a diverse group of attendees representing different interests (social, economic, environmental), sectors (business, government, non-profit, education), and communities (urban and rural – local, tribal, regional, national); to showcase Northwest sustainability successes; to provide practical content (ideas, models, tools, training, resources); to provide opportunities for networking; and to define and facilitate collective progress towards sustainability in the Northwest.

For more information, contact Sustainable Northwest at 620 SW Main, Suite 112, Portland, OR 97205; Tel: 503-221-6911; Fax: 503-221-4495; e-mail:info@sustainablenorthwest.org, or see the forum Web site, available at www.sustainablenorthwest.org/soc/sfindex.htm

IV International Convention on Environment and Sustainable Development

Havana, Cuba2-6 June 2003In June 2001, Global Exchange organized a 50-person delegation of top US environmentalists to attend Cuba’s very successful Third conference on this theme. During meetings at that time, the Cuban Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment (CITMA) proposed to coordinate with Global Exchange on a large bi-lateral US-Cuba component to the June 2003 conference. Global Exchange and its partners are organizing a 200-person delegation of US environmentalists to attend and participate in Cuba’s Fourth International Conference on Environment and Development in Havana. Leading professionals from various environmental fields and environmental justice groups will participate in the conference through the presentation of scientific and policy papers, poster displays, active participation in specific US-Cuba sessions during the conference, and through productive networking with their Cuban colleagues during the entire delegation tour.

The language of the convention will be Spanish, with simultaneous translation into English of the principal sessions.

Further information from: Global Exchange, Eco Cuba Exchange-Rachel, 2017 Mission Street, Suite #303, San Francisco, CA 94708, Tel: (415) 575-5531; Fax: (415) 255-7498. You can also print out an application form from: http://www.globalexchange.org/tours/forms.html

Fourth International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development (ECOSUD 2003)

Siena, Italy4-6 June 2003Organised by the Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and the University of Siena, Italy, ECOSUD 2003 is the fourth international conference in the series on ecosystems and sustainable development. The meeting will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent work on aspects of ecosystems and sustainable development, including engineering and modelling.

The aim of the conference is to encourage and facilitate the interdisciplinary communication amongst scientists, engineers, economists and professionals working in ecological systems and sustainable development. Emphasis will be given to those areas that will most benefit from the application of scientific methods for sustainable development, including the conservation of natural systems around the world.

Special sessions are being planned to focus on research in ecological modelling, socio-economic ecology, conservation, management and recovery of endangered and degraded areas, sustainable development, information techniques for development, ecological engineering, health and development. The conference topics are:

  • sustainable development issues;

  • environmental and ecological policies;

  • ecosystems modelling;

  • natural resources management;

  • environmental management;

  • biodiveristy erosion and soil management;

  • water resources;

  • wetland and lakustrine issues;

  • landscapes;

  • forestation;

  • agricutural systems;

  • ecotechnologies;

  • brownfields;

  • energy generation and conservation;

  • thermodynamics in ecology;

  • ecotoxicology models;

  • environmental risk;

  • development economics;

  • recovery of damaged areas;

  • conservation and management of endangered areas;

  • mathematical and system modelling.

Papers are invited on the topics outlined above and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted by mail, fax or e-mail as soon as possible to the Conference Secretariat at: enquiries@wessex.ac.uk Please insert ECOSUD 2003 in the subject line and also include your name, full address and conference topic in the main body of your e-mail.

For further instructions on paper submission, please see: www.witpress.com/authors.htm#Conference

Conference “Sharing Indigenous Wisdom: An International Dialogue on Sustainable Development”

Wiscosin, USA8-12 June 2003The Sustainable Development Institute at the College of Menominee Nation will host the conference: Sharing Indigenous Wisdom: An International Dialogue on Sustainable Development. The conference design will bring together scholars and practitioners who are committed to the concepts of sustainable development. A forum will be created that encourages dialogue, learning, solidarity and cross-fertilization of ideas. It is planned for June 8-12, 2003 and will be held at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center near Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Further information from: Delia M. Kundin, College of Menominee Nation, PO. Box 1179, Keshena, WI 54135, USA. E-mail: dkundin@menominee.edu; Web site: http://www.sharingindigenouswisdom.org/

6th Nordic Conference on Environmental Social Sciences (NESS): “Scales, Limits and Borders: Problems in Political Ecology”

Turku/Åbo, Finland12-14 June 2003Hosted by Åbo Akademi University, the University of Turku and the Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, this conference will be organized around working sessions that use and critically elaborate on the concepts of scale, limits and borders as they are tied to the concept of political ecology. These include: global ecological justice; limits to growth today; multilevel environmental governance; global environmentalism, national policies; political ecology in history; and Johannesburg: a first anniversary.

Further information from: Ea Maria Blomqvist, Åbo Akademi University, FC, Biskopsgatan 10 A, FIN-20500Åbo, Finland. E-mail: ea.blomqvist@abo.fi; Web site: www.abo.fi/6thNESS/

First World Congress on Information Technology in Environmental Engineering

ITEE 2003, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland24-27 June 2003www.icsc-naiso.org/conferences/itee2003/indexThe acquisition, storage and processing of environmental information are becoming vital to preserving the quality of human life. Potentially dangerous changes are happening in the atmosphere, oceans, animal habitats and places where hazardous materials are used, or have been discarded without adequate environmental protection.

In recent years, information technology has become significant to all scientific groups and fields involved in environment engineering. Knowledge-based systems which enable the study of environmental changes have been developed are being extended to manage those environments. New paradigms for designing objects to enable easy disassembly and recovery of components contribute to reuse. Developments in exploiting alternative energy sources are reducing dependence on non-renewable resources. Surveillance techniques enable tracking of persons likely to threaten the lives of persons or their environment.

The ITEE 2003 conference will provide a forum for exchanging information among pollution engineers, knowledge engineers and scientists. Some of the objectives include discussion of projects for long-term storage of data, data update and validation, and the consistency of data. Research topics and funding opportunities discussed at the conference will be of interest to all researchers. Another objective is to discuss means of assessing the potential of individual teams in implementation and modelling of large-scale systems.

Several workshops/tutorials are planned for ITEE 2003. Each workshop will focus on a particular topic, and consist of several presentations and open discussions. The proposal for a workshop should include the title, topics covered, proposed speakers, targeted audiences, and estimated length (hours) of the workshop. The proposal should be submitted to the general chair and respective area co-chair by 30 September 2002, and the NAISO Planning department: planning@icsc.ab.ca

Submission of papers can be done through the Web site: www.icsc-naiso.org/conferences/ itee2003/indexsub.html

2003 Hamburg Conference – Does Discourse Matter? Discourse, Power and Institutions in the Sustainability Transition

Hamburg, Germany;11-13 July 2003The meeting is being organized by the Research Center on Biotechnology, Society and the Environment (BIOGUM) and the Institute for Political Sciences (IPW) of the University of Hamburg, being supported by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education, the Environmental Policy and Global Change Section of the German Political Science Association, and the German Association for the Club of Rome.

Ten years after Rio, the sustainability discourse has gained considerable momentum. Nevertheless, many stakeholders and observers are sceptical about its impact. Is the sustainability discourse cheap talk or is it a far-reaching transition in the area of problem constitution and problem solving in environmental and development issues worldwide well on its way?

The 2003 Hamburg Conference “Does Discourse Matter? Discourse, Power and Institutions in the Sustainability Transition” wants to examine the role of ideas in policy-making with special reference to sustainability, i.e. environmental and development issues. Theorists and researchers from all relevant theoretical and methodological backgrounds are invited to make a contribution to the event.

For further information about the 2003 Hamburg Conference, e-mail: sonntag@botanik.uni-hamburg.de; Web site: www.agchange.de

2003 BELL Conference: Ecosystems and Enterprise – Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Business

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA17-19 July 2003“Ecosystems and Enterprise: Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Business” will examine educational lessons arising from the interplay between enterprises seeking sustainability and the context in which they operate. The objective of the annual BELL Conference is to support integration of sustainability issues into business school curricula linking the current needs of business with contemporary education. This annual conference brings together business college faculty, business leaders, NGOs, and government officials in panel discussions and presentation of emerging sustainability topics, including case studies and research, important to all participants. We expect up to 200 business faculty in various management disciplines from around the world to participate in the conference, as well as representatives of leading private sector organizations, government agencies, and NGOs.

Further information from: Sharon Cooper, Executive Director, Council for Sustainable Florida; Ph: 850-539-5093; E-mail:scooper10@earthlink.net; Web site: www.wri.org/sep/bell2003.html. For information on submitting papers, go to: www.wri.org/sep/bell2003_papers.html

International Conference on Education for a Sustainable Future

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic10-11 September 2003Organized by the International Association of Universities, this conference will focus on the integration of sustainable development concepts and practices into higher education.

Further information available at: www.unesco.org/iau/

Greening of the Campus V: Connecting to Place

Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA18-20 September 2003This interdisciplinary conference allows people representing diverse areas in university communities to share information on environmental issues. These areas range from the practical day-to-day management of the physical plant to “green” curriculum development and “green” utilization of campus resources. The areas are bound by common concerns for achieving environmental soundness through safe and sane management of resources. The campus community can become a “green” model for society as a whole by gathering and sharing this information.

For more information on the conference and guidelines for submitting papers, contact Becky Amato. Tel: (765) 285-2385; E-mail: bamato@bsu.edu, or visit: www.bsu.edu/greening/

GIN2003: Innovating for Sustainability – 11th International Conference of The Greening of Industry Network

San Francisco, California, USA12-15 October 2003The 11th GIN conference will focus on innovation: accelerating progress toward a sustainable society will require both incremental and radical innovation in every sphere of society. The 2003 Greening of Industry Network conference will catalyze innovation in:

  • Collaborating to meet the needs of individuals and communities not well served by current institutions, policies and practices.

  • Designing and implementing new institutions, public policies, civil regulation strategies, technologies and business practices.

  • Creating new business models to meet basic human needs and serve the poorest segments of the global population.

  • Developing and delivering education for sustainability.

  • Accelerating the adoption of frameworks and practices to achieve complex objectives.

For more information or to submit a proposal, visit GIN’s Web site at: http://www.greeningofindustry.org/gin2003.htm; e-mail: GIN2003@greeningofindustry.org; Tel: (781) 646-4596; Fax: (781) 646-4189.

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