Special issue on India

International Journal of Social Economics

ISSN: 0306-8293

Article publication date: 17 April 2007



(2007), "Special issue on India", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 34 No. 5. https://doi.org/10.1108/ijse.2007.00634eaa.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Special issue on India

International Journal of Social EconomicsISSN: 0306-8293

About the journal

Increasing economic interaction, allied to the social and political changes evident in many parts of the world, has created a need for more sophisticated understanding of the social, political and cultural influences which govern our societies. The International Journal of Social Economics provides its readers with a unique forum for the exchange and sharing of information in this complex area. Philosophical discussions of research findings combine with commentary on international developments in social economics to make a genuinely valuable contribution to current understanding of the subject and the growth of new ideas. The journal is being brought out under the banner of Emerald Group, which is a leading English language publisher of academic and professional literature in the fields of management; and library and information management.

Call for papers: special issue on India

Despite numerous critiques of globalization, however, some observers believe that greater equity and justice can be achieved through global operations for a developing nation like India. Could global business be a possible source of equitable social justice and, if so, what are the roles that businesses is and can be expected to play in helping to secure equity and justice or can foster ecological sustainability on one hand and ensure morality and maintain transparency in the open-market conditions? These issues are pertinent as it is being observed that, of late, there has been an erosion of values at every level, against a backdrop of traditional Indian culture and a rich legacy of spirituality inherited from the past down the line to the significant contributions made by Gandhi, Vivekananda and Tagore. Where is the way-out? What are the alternatives towards achieving a sacro-civic society in the face of an aggressive and cut-throat competitive milieu?

With these points in the backdrop, we wish to encourage empirical work as well as big-picture thinking on issues related to the roles that business can play in fostering a moral, equitable and ecologically sustainable India.

Papers are invited which address the theme of this issue. Possible aspects include:

  • ethics and corporate behaviour;

  • human rights and corporate activity;

  • Gandhian economics;

  • injustice and gender issues;

  • Hinduism and economics;

  • sustainability and environmental issues; and

  • impact of ICT in social and economic development.

Guest Editor of this special issue on India is Ananda Das Gupta (Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bangalore, India).

Please submit your paper not exceeding 6,000 words by 20 February 2007 (or preferably earlier) to Ananda Das Gupta (adgiipm@vsnl.net) with a copy to Simon Linacre, Managing Editor (slinacre@emeraldinsight.com)

Contribution guidelines can be obtained from: Simon Linacre, Managing Editor (Accounting, Finance & Economics), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 60/62 Toller Lane, Bradford BD8 9BY, West Yorkshire, UK, Tel: 44 (0)1274 777700, Fax: 44 (0)1274 785200, E-mail: slinacre@emeraldinsight.com; web site: www.emeraldinsight.com

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