(2005), "Headless Chickens, Laid-back Bears: Scientific Techniques to Create More Time and Revolutionise Your Life and Work", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 54 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Headless Chickens, Laid-back Bears: Scientific Techniques to Create More Time and Revolutionise Your Life and Work
Headless Chickens, Laid-back Bears: Scientific Techniques to Create More Time and Revolutionise Your Life and Work
Gordon WainwrightHow To BooksISBN 1-85703-973-4£9.99
This book is a guide to using your time more effectively. The aim is to avoid being a headless chicken, running around in panic but to little avail. Much better to be a laidback bear who gets things done – and enjoys life at the same time.
One secret, of course, is to recognise those activities that can be easily speeded up – and find other ways of saving time for those that can’t. To be a laidback bear, it helps if there is something you want to do in the discretionary time created: this could simply be getting more work done, but this seems to go across the basic philosophy of becoming more laidback.
This is certainly a time management book with a difference; though many of the messages may have been raised before, they are done so here in both entertaining and useful ways, and there is enough “new” content for those who have been round the block before!