(2004), "E-distribution cuts costs", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 53 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
E-distribution cuts costs
E-distribution cuts costs
Canon has announced a partnership with eCopy, a provider of document distribution technology, to provide organisations with what it describes as a simple, easy-to-use solution which turns any paper document into a digital file – an "eCopy", that can be e-mailed, stored or manipulated just like any other PC-based document.
Canon claims: "The eCopy suite of software products is the first convenient, low-cost, departmental, and enterprise solution which creates and distributes e-versions of paper documents. This is achieved at virtually no cost via e-mail, fax, and secure Internet, providing employees with instant access to scanned documents.
"Organisations will immediately start to see an improvement in business productivity as employees are able to weave paper-based documents instantly into business processes, manage larger numbers of documents more efficiently, and are granted multiple and instant access to information".
The Canon/eCopy suite is also said to reduce expenditure on fax and courier costs as well as eliminating the need for standalone fax machines, copiers, scanners and printers.
Canon adds: "This convergence of technology provides customers with an array of distribution options including scan to mail, scan to desktop, scan to printer, scan to fax, and scan to file. This allows companies to instantly integrate critical paper-based information such as customer files, invoices, and archival information into their digital workflow".
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