Bhattacharyya, S.C. and Dey, P.K. (2012), "Editorial", International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol. 6 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2012, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Article Type: Editorial From: International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Volume 6, Issue 4
It is time to present the last issue of IJESM of 2012. This issue contains seven research papers covering a number of interesting areas. Fuentes presents an analysis of the Mexican power sector reform. Thiam looks at the low carbon transition in a developing country context. Flamos and others present a model for business strategy assessment for the energy sector. Hussain and others analyses the link between energy use and economic growth in Pakistan. Fraunhoffer and Schiereck consider the issue of merger and acquisition in the European energy market. Baddour explores the options for sustainable transport of a small island that is facing fast traffic growth due to economic development and population growth. Finally, Walter analyses the bio-fuel bubble in Sweden and Finland.
With this issue we complete our sixth year of existence and we are thankful to our reviewers who have selflessly provided their support to the journal. Without their support, the journal cannot continue and cannot maintain its standard. We are also grateful to our readers and the authors from all over the world. We hope that their support will only increase over time and we will continue our journey successfully.
We take this opportunity to inform our readers and patrons that one of the co-editors (Subhes Bhattacharyya) has decided to step down from the editorship of the journal. The journal is in the process of adjusting the editorial team accordingly. There are new plans for the journal as well and with your continued support the journal is determined to continue to publish high quality research work in the future.
Subhes C. Bhattacharyya, Prasanta K. Dey
Reviewer acknowledgement
All papers received and published in the International Journal Energy Sector Management are subjected to blind peer reviews. The journal is indebted to the expert referees who have volunteered their time and efforts, often at a very short notice, to provide their expert opinion on the papers and helped the editors in deciding the papers to be published in the journal. The editors, the editorial team and the publisher sincerely thank the reviewers for their support and would hope that they would continue to support the journal in the future years. Without their support, it would not be able to maintain the quality and standard of the journal. Below is the list of reviewers who reviewed at least one paper for the sixth volume of the journal in 2012:
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Naveen Jain
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Rania Jammazi
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Mark Kaiser
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Ramachandran Kannan
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Rajab Khalilpour
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Helga Kristjansdottir
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Antonio Cardoso Marques
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A. P. Melo
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Balagopal Menon
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Toufic Mezher
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Tom Mikunda
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Prithwiraj Nath
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Trung Thanh Nguyen
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Supattana Nirukkanaporn
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Nimai Panja
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Sotiris Papadelis
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Clara Pardo Martinez
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Sanjoy Parida
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Chermy Patel
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Jacques Percebois