(2008), "Note from the publisher", International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol. 2 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Note from the publisher
Article Type: Note from the publisher From: International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Volume 2, Issue 3
The Guest Editors would like to thank the following for their valuable help with reviewing papers for this special issue of the International Journal of Energy Sector Management (IJESM):
Antonio Conejo
António José Rodrigues
Carlos Henggeler Antunes
Claudio Gentile
Dag Henning
Daniel Kuhn
Derek Bunn
Fernando Oliveira
Isabel Soares
J. Tomé Saraiva
Javier Reneses
Jorge Valenzuela
Kathleen Vaillancourt
Lawrence Jenkins
Luiz Augusto Barroso
Marcel Wickart
Mariusz Kaleta
Nikola Broussev
Nikos Iliadis
Pierre Kunsch
Reinaldo Souza
Roberto Aringhieri
Thomas Bruckner