(2007), "Usdaw members check out learning at the tills", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 39 No. 7.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Usdaw members check out learning at the tills
Usdaw members are checking out learning at the tills as Britain’s biggest retail union rolls out a learning drive aimed at front-line shop staff working for retailers including Tesco, Morrison’s, Sainsbury’s and Ikea.
Usdaw has pioneered lifelong learning in distribution sites, with more than 20,000 members signing up for courses. But for most retail staff, Check-Out Learning will be the first time courses have been offered to them in their own stores.
The Check-Out Learning campaign is being introduced in more than 80 stores nationally, with a series of learning road shows in store canteens offering retail staff from the tills to the warehouse a chance to sign up for a range of courses. The campaign aims to sign up more than 1,000 new learners this year.
“Check-Out Learning is unique in supporting staff working for some of the biggest retailers in the UK, offering courses that can change their lives and aspirations,” said Usdaw general-secretary John Hannett. “Usdaw has vast experience in offering courses to people who have not set foot in a classroom since they left school and the road shows offer our members the chance to see what is on offer and how they can ease themselves back into learning in an informal atmosphere.
“I have visited our learning projects around the country and seen how lifelong learning has boosted the confidence of thousands of our members, enriching their lives and often leading to new career opportunities.
“Check-Out Learning is unique because it is the first time our members will be able to access a vast range of courses that will benefit them and the companies they work for, as all the evidence proves that a well-educated workforce is better motivated and has less absenteeism.
“But Check-Out Learning is simply about rediscovering the joy of learning, whether it be improving our members’ basic literacy or numeracy skills, helping their children with their homework, finding out how to access the internet or learning sign language.”