(2004), "Dutch seek to boost the image of vocational education and training", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 36 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Dutch seek to boost the image of vocational education and training
Dutch seek to boost the image of vocational education and training
The Dutch Government has teamed up with employer organizations, trade unions and the Dutch Labour Foundation to boost the image of vocational education and training in the country.
The partners will invest some 25 million over the next five years to increase the number of people taking part in vocational education and training and reduce the drop-out rate. Some 10 million of this will come from the government.
One aim is to improve co-operation between preparatory vocational education, senior secondary vocational education and higher professional education in The Netherlands, and representatives of trade and industry. Courses will be better co-ordinated to make it easier for students to switch from one “stream” to another. The overall aim is to put the career of the learner at the centre of the educational process.