(1998), "Launch of listed buildings information service", Facilities, Vol. 16 No. 5/6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1998, MCB UP Limited
Launch of listed buildings information service
Launch of listed buildings information service
Keyword Listed buildings
The Listed Buildings Information Service will provide, free of charge and within 24 hours, the official listing for up to three listed buildings in England. It was launched in November 1997 by the National Monuments Record.
The service will be available from a dedicated telephone number: users should call 0171 208 8221 and ask for the Listed Buildings Information Service.This unique service can be used whenever quick, accurate access to statutory information on any one of the 450,000 listed buildings in England is required. The service will become a basic source for anyone involved in architecture, planning, conservation, or environmental assessment.
The lists contain the most authoritative national account of any building's listing grade II, II*, or I, as well as information on the building itself. This information is of fundamental importance to anyone whose plans could affect the building, whether they be an estate agent, a developer, or an architect.
With notice, this database can also be used to make thematic searches of the listings, picking out key terms such as building materials or architect's name. The lists themselves can also be consulted in the NMR's search rooms in Swindon and London.
The NMR also contains detailed information on many of the buildings in the lists, and special priority services, also introduced on 3 November, can provide this information for a small charge.
The three-year project to computerise the statutory list was jointly run by the RCHME, English Heritage, and the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (then the Department of National Heritage). The resulting public service is available only through the RCHME's archive, the National Monuments Record.