Raitt, D. (2007), "Editor's note", The Electronic Library, Vol. 25 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Editor's note
The Electronic Library was launched 25 years ago this year and we thought it might be interesting for readers to include some of my early editorials.
In the very first issue in January 1983 I explained why I believed a new journal covering developments, techniques and systems in the fields of library automation and networks and mini/microcomputer applications in libraries and information centres was needed. I noted that I wanted to make each issue as varied as possible to retain the reader’s interest.
In that first issue there was an article on library automation developments in Norway and I promised that I would encourage articles from even further afield. And if you are a regular reader of TEL, then you will know that I have kept my promise and included articles on many diverse topics from all over the world. Indeed, in 2006 alone we published articles from authors in no fewer than 20 different countries and we have readers in every region of the world (except Antarctica – I must work on that!)
I thought I would share with you my second editorial from April 1983, which explained more about the aims of the journal. I believe my views are still valid today and judging by the articles being submitted, then readers seem reasonably sure that we are getting it right!
Thank you for your support over the past 25 years – and I am sure you can look forward to many more years of TEL to come.
David Raitt