EJIM: evolution, and call for Associate Editor and Editorial Advisory Board Members

European Journal of Innovation Management

ISSN: 1460-1060

Article publication date: 2 August 2011



Kalantaridis, C. (2011), "EJIM: evolution, and call for Associate Editor and Editorial Advisory Board Members", European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 14 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/ejim.2011.22014caa.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2011, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

EJIM: evolution, and call for Associate Editor and Editorial Advisory Board Members

Article Type: Editorial From: European Journal of Innovation Management, Volume 14, Issue 3

During the past 14 years, the European Journal of Innovation Management has established itself as one of the key means for the dissemination of knowledge in the field of innovation studies, that is relevant to the needs of business practitioners. Founded under the leadership of Professor Pervaiz Ahmed, and more recently under the stewardship of Professors Rafiq and Wang it has grown in terms of submissions, rigour (measured in terms of acceptance rates), and readership – consistently exceeding 100,000 downloads per year since 2006. The journal has published research not only from across Europe, but also globally. It has been methodologically inclusive offering a publication platform for quantitative, qualitative and conceptual work.

In September 2010 I was entrusted with the Editorship of the European Journal of Innovation Management. I took over the role at a time where the innovation agenda is changing: with a number of new and suggestive lines of inquiry emerging. At the same time, the importance of innovation grew within the public policy domain: acquiring prominence regionally, nationally, and across Europe. In fact, at the time of taking over the role I was Director of a European-wide project entitled INNOPOLIS (Innovation Policy in University City Regions) funded by INTERREG IVC. That project has already identified the need for greater interaction between the academic – policy – and business practice communities. Within the business practice community a number of new challenges were identified around the management of innovation.

In order to reflect changes in the research, policy and business practice agenda I have revisited the journal’s mission. The new mission, included below, constitutes evolution – maintaining strong linkages with the previous mission but also adding significant contemporary dimensions. It reinforces commitment to practice (business as well as policy one) and it aspires to initiate a new era of growth for the European Journal of Innovation Management:

“[…] economic progress means essentially putting productive resources to uses hitherto untried in practice, and withdrawing them from the uses they have served so far. This is what we call ‘innovation’” (Schumpeter, 1928, p. 378).

Indeed, innovation is widely acknowledged, by both policy and business practitioners, as the foremost source of sustainable competitive advantage for enterprises and economies in Europe and beyond. Within this context, the European Journal of Innovation Management offers a forum for the rapid dissemination of new knowledge in the field of innovation studies. It publishes rigorous, evidence-based research that advances the state-of-the-art and has direct implications for policy and business practice. The journal particularly welcomes contributions that address the following themes:• How can innovation networks and systems, with particular emphasis on open innovation systems, be developed by enterprises and supported by policy-makers?• What is the role of entrepreneurs and leaders in the innovation process?• What are the specificities of innovation processes in emerging contexts: such as the services sector, the third sector (social innovation), and the sustainability agenda?• How can cross-functional integration be effectively achieved to create seamless innovation?• What are the key challenges involved in the process of knowledge exchange between universities and enterprises, for both stakeholders and policy-makers?

The European Journal of Innovation Management welcomes papers that emanate from a broad range of disciplinary and methodologically settings. Despite its European focus, the journal invites publications from elsewhere in the world that facilitate comparisons and the transfer of knowledge. The European Journal of Innovation Management places considerable emphasis on rigour, theory development, and relevance to practice.

Many of the defining features of the journal remain: its rigour, its international focus, its (methodological) inclusivity. However, new opportunities exist for linkages between business and policy practice, which has remained rather detached to date.

In order to realise the new vision for the journal I have secured the co-operation of Professor Nikos Komninos who has taken the role of Associate Editor. His research experience and expertise will contribute in the advancement of research that is relevant for policy practice. I would like to invite applications for another Associate Editor position. The appointee should be a well-established researcher from anywhere in the world, who has expertise in areas that are relevant to business practice (such as new product development, leadership for innovation, networks and other forms of co-operation, a functional (market, systems, people) perspective on innovation – to name but a few). Applications should be directed to me (c.kalantaridis@bradford.ac.uk) and include a full curriculum vitae and a letter of application identifying your potential contribution to the advancement of the journal). Review of the applications will commence on 15 September 2011.

I would also like to invite applications for the appointment of a small number of new members to the Editorial Advisory Board. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board will contribute in the development of the journal through editing special issues and review of papers, advise on its strategic direction, and act as ambassadors enhancing the profile of the journal with researchers and practitioners alike. Applications should be directed to me (c.kalantaridis@bradford.ac.uk) and include a full curriculum vitae and a letter of application presenting your planned contribution to the advancement of the journal. Review of the applications will commence on 1 September 2011.

Christos Kalantaridis

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