(2008), "Call for papers", Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. 15 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Call for papers
Article Type: Call for papers From:Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Volume 15, Issue 6
The Editor of the Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Theo C. Haupt, invites submissions for future issues of the journal
Exploring the interface between academic research and practical application, the Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology serves all practitioners, professionals and clients in the engineering, design and technology sectors. The journal aims to expand the boundaries of knowledge in these fields and provide an international forum for the interchange of information and current issues from around the world.
The Editor now invites submissions, though not limited, to the following areas:
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Design strategies
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Usability and adaptability
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Material, component and systems performance
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Process control
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Alternative and new technologies
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Organizational, management and research issues
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Human factors
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Environmental, quality and health and safety issues
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Cost and life cycle issues
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Sustainability criteria, indicators, measurement and practices
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Risk management
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Entrepreneurship law, regulation and governance
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Design, implementing, managing and practising innovation
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Visualization, simulation, information and communication technologies
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Education practices, innovation, strategies and policy issues.
Submissions should be sent to:
Theo C. Haupt,Cape Peninsula University of Technology,Southern African Built Environment Research Center,Faculty of Engineering,PO Box 1906,Bellville 7535,South Africa.
Authors may also submit their papers electronically to or, provided that the paper is attached as a separate file using MS Word.Further information on the journal and article submission guidelines is available at: