
Pounder, J. and Clarke, M. (2009), "Editorial", Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, Vol. 2 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Article Type: Editorial From: Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, Volume 2, Issue 3

This issue of Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues (EBS) focuses on the three areas of the journal’s coverage, i.e. education, business and society, and all in a Middle Eastern context. In the educational field, two papers deal with the importance of feedback. Elaine Pounder presents an innovative approach to providing feedback for non-native learners of English writing in a UAE setting, while Ibrahim Al-Abbadi, Fadi Alkhateeb, Nile Khanfar, Bahaudin Mujtaba and Latif David examine pharmacy students’ perceptions of the usefulness of the teaching evaluation instrument, a major educational feedback tool, in a Jordanian context. In the third educational paper, Darwish Abdulrahman Yousef undertakes a curriculum review focusing on the design, delivery and assessment of operational research/management science (OR/MS) courses in UAE business schools, the purpose of which is to provide information to future enhancement of OR/MS course design and delivery.

In the business field, at the macro-level, Attahir Yusuf and Kojo Saffu investigate the planning practices, strategy types and performance of indigenous firms in Bahrain and the UAE while Ronald J. Burke and Ghada El-Kot, at the micro-level, examine the relationship of measures of work intensity and work hours with a variety of other work-related variables using data from organizations in Egypt.

Finally, in the area of society in general, Adnan Kisa, Fikriye Yilmaz, Mustafa Z. Younis, Sahin Kavuncubasi, Korkut Ersoy and Patrick A. Rivers investigate factors leading to delay in meeting the health care needs of the urban poor in Turkey. Much of what you will read in this issue is ground breaking in the sense that the subject matter has hitherto been given scant attention in a Middle Eastern context. As always, the editors hope you enjoy reading this issue of EBS.


James Pounder, Matthew Clarke

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