Understanding corporate identity: the French school of thought
Since the 1970s, French researchers have elaborated a theoretical framework built around the concept of organizational identity. This theoretical framework integrates concepts from several research disciplines, including sociology, psychology, psychoanalysis, and history. Although this approach focuses primarily on improving the understanding of the internal functioning of organizations, the approach also helps marketing professionals who are responsible for managing organizational image and organizational communications. The diagnosis of an organization's identity permits marketing executives to interpret the symbolic products produced by the organization, even though these symbolic products may not have been designed in a rational or deliberate manner. Reviews the principal concepts and methods elaborated over the last 20 years by researchers working in this perspective, emphasizing the importance of these ideas for marketing specialists. Describes recent developments in identity theory based on the sociological theory developed by Pierre Bourdieu. Presents an original diagnostic methodology ‐ socioanalysis.
Moingeon, B. and Ramanantsoa, B. (1997), "Understanding corporate identity: the French school of thought", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 31 No. 5/6, pp. 383-395. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb060638
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