Illegible prescriptions — The liabilities of doctors and pharmacists: An analysis of the case of Prendergast v Sam & Dee Ltd
Prendergast v Sam & Dee Ltd was apparently the first case in which a patient, who had suffered injury after being given the wrong medication, successfully sued not only the pharmacist who dispensed the wrong medication but also the doctor whose illegibly written prescription had misled the pharmacist. In all previous cases of this nature, only the pharmacist has been held liable. Subject to any reversal by the Court of Appeal or the House of Lords, this High Court decision represents a landmark in the law of medical negligence.
Magrath, P. (1988), "Illegible prescriptions — The liabilities of doctors and pharmacists: An analysis of the case of Prendergast v Sam & Dee Ltd", Journal of Management in Medicine, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 67-72.
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