51st AIEST Congress report from workshop II: Growth strategies
The theme of the second worbhop “Growth Strategies” caused a rich discussion among the participants on the factors influencing tourism development and consequently determining successful growth strategies. The subject of discussion was illustrated with the presentation of the cases of Switzerland (Thomas Bieger etal.), Austria (Franz Hartl and Ivanka Avelini‐Holjevac) and Finland (Seppo Aho). All reports outlined the structural problems that the tourism sector is facing due to an insufficient productivity and a lack of resources, among others. The participants of the workshop unanimously agreed that there was no future existing for some of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SM Es), particularly in developed countries.
Glaesser, D. (2001), "51st AIEST Congress report from workshop II: Growth strategies", Tourism Review, Vol. 56 No. 3/4, pp. 30-30. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb058366
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