Le yield management vers une reponse au mythe de la rentabilite optimale? — le cas du transport aerien
The increasing entropy of competitive markets forces companies to maximise profitability to the optimum level their resources will permit. Since services cannot be stored, they have to be prepared and distributed more or less at the same time. Yield management, an information technology tool, seems to provide at least a partial solution to the questions that assail managers. Complementary to marketing policy, yield management is an effective way of modulating one of the variables of the marketing mix — price.
Saissi, O.P. (1998), "Le yield management vers une reponse au mythe de la rentabilite optimale? — le cas du transport aerien", The Tourist Review, Vol. 53 No. 4, pp. 38-46. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb058289
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