The analysis of group size in visitor surveys
Data relating to group composition are collected in most sample surveys of visitors, both at frontiers and within a tourist region. A vital element is that of size of group. It is important that the distribution of group sizes within the population under consideration is reflected accurately by the sample, possibly after some weighting procedures. A sampling procedure which is biased in terms of size of group will provide biased results concerning any variable that is related to group size. In particular it would lead to false information on the proportions of different types of visitor (eg businessmen, who are more likely to travel alone than are holiday‐makers) and inaccurate estimates may therefore be produced of, say, expenditure. Marketing plans also often depend on results obtained for group composition.
Latham, J. (1988), "The analysis of group size in visitor surveys", The Tourist Review, Vol. 43 No. 2, pp. 5-9.
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