Tourist behavior model building: A causal approach
Evolution of Micro‐Models. Unlike the overall development in consumer research, specialized modeling of tourist behavior mainly occurred on the aggregate level. Macroeconomic demand or gravity and trip‐generation models are well known among scholars of tourism (Archer 1976, Vanhove 1979) while the individual tourist decision process has not been a subject of great priority. Modeling on the disaggregate level apart from some exceptions in travel behavior and mode selection (Tybout and Hauser 1981; Barff, Mackay and Olshavsky 1982) rarely exceeds the standard technique of flow‐charting. Gallichan (1976) and Go (1981) offer typical examples of ad hoc defined stages in the tourist decision sequence.
Mazanec, J. (1983), "Tourist behavior model building: A causal approach", The Tourist Review, Vol. 38 No. 1, pp. 9-19.
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