Evolution of Resource Management in the IT Industry
Information technology is one of the most fluid industries of our time. F International's positive approach to resource management evolves from the company's determination to survive in the highly competitive computer services sector of that industry. Founded in 1982 with the underlying aim of providing work opportunities for those who choose not to work in a conventional office environment, it is now a leading computer consultancy and software house. The vast majority of the workforce are self‐employed, working from home for a flexible number of hours, based on a minimum availability (whilst working on a project) of 20 hours a week. The disparate workforce is divided into eight regions throughout the UK, each region's management team being headed by a regional manager and including a regional personnel and training manager. Training requirements are established from information gained on actual project work, as well as being tailored to meet individual career aspirations, and training is carried out via distance learning, internal day courses and external courses.
Evans, P. (1985), "Evolution of Resource Management in the IT Industry", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 85 No. 9/10, pp. 14-15. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb057414
Copyright © 1985, MCB UP Limited