Many companies prefer — sometimes need — to confine in‐house computing to the traditional applications associated with payroll, billing and the normal accounting routines. But what do they do when, for example, vital manufacturing functions (and the cost of those functions) demand a level of computerised control? Here, Honeywell Information Systems, best known for its traditional computers, describes how a computer time‐sharing network known as the Mark III Service can be tapped from almost anywhere in the world simply by means of a small terminal and the ordinary public telephone system — to provide computing facilities, tailored to a whole range of company needs as and when and where they may be required.
(1977), "Dial‐a‐disc", Industrial Management, Vol. 77 No. 10, pp. 16-18. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb056793
Copyright © 1977, MCB UP Limited