A small academic library in northeastern Ohio, with monograph holdings of about 85,000 titles, serving a student population of about 1,000, recently asked Marsha Hunt of OHIONET to perform a hit rate study on CAT CD450 using a representative sample of their collection to determine if this product might be useful in their retrospective conversion effort. The 100‐title sample included older books on such diverse subjects as religion, Ohio history, and business writing. Marsha found 77 of the 100 titles—a 77% hit rate. Of the 77, 16 were DLC/DLC input, 45 were DLC/member input, 14 were of unknown origin/member input, and 2 were original record/member input. Anyone interested in receiving a list of the titles searched can contact me.
(1989), "DUBLINes", OCLC Micro, Vol. 5 No. 6, pp. 2-4. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb055937
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