A State‐of‐the‐Art Report on Electronic Publishing
One of the tasks of the special librarian is to facilitate current awareness: services are set up to encourage user groups to keep up‐to‐date with developments in their own and related subject areas. The librarian advocates current awareness as an essential prerequisite for members of that user group to remain effective practitioners, researchers or teachers within their subject area. The librarian encourages and advocates because unfortunately some of those practitioners, researchers and teachers are either unconvinced of the need for current awareness or haven't the time/are not interested/cannot be bothered.
Hayden, V. (1983), "A State‐of‐the‐Art Report on Electronic Publishing", Library Management, Vol. 4 No. 4, pp. 2-35. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb054865
Copyright © 1983, MCB UP Limited