Creating the manager's plan book: A new route to effective planning
Consider the plight of the contemporary manager: the forces affecting corporate planning today stem from a wide variety of external sources—public interest groups, changing customer demands, foreign nations, government agencies, and many more. Consequently, the problems that managers and planners must solve are increasingly complex. They are, in addition, ill‐structured and have many highly interrelated dimensions, each of which expresses a wide range of differing values, beliefs and knowledge. Compared with well structured problems—proving geometric theorems or solving Sunday supplement puzzles are examples—ill‐structured problems have no sure fire solutions. One can't tell whether the planning methods used and the solutions obtained fit the problem best or not.
Mason, R.O., Mitroff, I.I. and Barabba, V.P. (1980), "Creating the manager's plan book: A new route to effective planning", Planning Review, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 11-47.
Copyright © 1980, MCB UP Limited