Corrosion Notebook
The dock gate cable seen in the photograph below is submerged in sea‐water for 12 hours out of every 24. Nine years ago an inspection showed the appearance of rust on the same cable and a replacement was considered. However, it was decided to try an application of the anti‐corrosive lubricant Voler V 200 R, a graphited compound made by Revol Ltd. The cable was ‘unlocked’ and impregnated with the compound. In the nine years since, no further trouble has been experienced. Another example of the protection afforded by V 200 R in the marine field is its use on the cables of Arctic survey ships. After treatment with the compound it is claimed that the life of these cables has been quadrupled.
(1965), "Corrosion Notebook", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 12 No. 3, pp. 21-24.
Copyright © 1965, MCB UP Limited