Management development for information professionals
Professional education in the library and information sector has only provided for first qualification level: through undergraduate and postgraduate programmes which meet the criteria required for accreditation by professional bodies (including the Library Association, Institute of Information Scientists, British Computer Society). The management curriculum within such programmes has offered knowledge and skills relevant to earlier perceptions of the needs of first professional posts, with middle and senior managers lacking substantial information‐sector‐ specific programmes to meet their needs for advanced education and training. Two British Library sponsored short courses provided a model which stimulated the development of the Loughborough MBA (Information and Library Management) programme, offered jointly by Loughborough University's Business School and Department of Information and Library Studies. This flexible, part‐time, advanced masters degree, ‘badged’ for the LIS sector, also provides intensive short‐course opportunities for UK and overseas participants.
Kinnell, M. (1996), "Management development for information professionals", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 48 No. 9, pp. 209-214.
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