A comparison between the competencies deemed necessary for teacher‐librarians in Iran and those suggested by librarians from developing countries
The present survey attempts to investigate the viability of a single library education programme for the education of teacher‐librarians in developing countries. Questionnaires were sent to 55 professional librarians in 29 different countries, of which 35 replies were received. Data were analysed and the result was compared with the outcome of a similar survey done for the education of teacher‐librarians in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The overall view is that a single library programme for developing countries is possible.
Jowkar, A. (1992), "A comparison between the competencies deemed necessary for teacher‐librarians in Iran and those suggested by librarians from developing countries", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 44 No. 9, pp. 323-327. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb051293
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