The Dickens House Museum Library: a hypermedia prototype
The subject of a recent MA thesis in Library and Information Studies is the development of a prototype scholars workstation for presentation of materials, in a hypermedia format, from the Dickens House Museum Library, London. Type and number of materials is provided. Basic hypertext features and authoring attributes of the hypermedia software used, Guide 3.0 for Windows, are described and the time factors inherent in research, planning and development of such a project are emphasized. Elements of screen design are described and presentation of textual and visual materials are provided with accompanying illustrations of navigational pathways. Testing of the prototype is described, including the test sample, the questionnaire and evaluation form, and brief conclusions.
Phelan, C.A. (1992), "The Dickens House Museum Library: a hypermedia prototype", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 44 No. 9, pp. 309-318.
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