Marketing and promotion in today's special library
All libraries engage in some form of marketing and promotional activity, either active or passive. Four benefits come to those who promote their library services: usage; increased value in the organization; education of users and non‐users; and changed perceptions. Effective library marketing includes combining the concepts of marketing, promotion and public relations, but it begins with a clear definition of the library's mission in the parent organization. The special librarian then needs to analyze the parent organization in terms of funding sources, the contributions the library makes to the mission of the parent organization, and the value of the library's services to users. Such analysis leads to innovation, follow‐up, and involving others in promoting the library and its services, which result in successful marketing for the special library.
St. Clair, G. (1990), "Marketing and promotion in today's special library", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 42 No. 7/8, pp. 213-217.
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