An overview of microcomputer text retrieval packages
Text retrieval software packages are designed to support the creation of textual rather than numerical, tabular or graphical databases. General trends concerning the nature of text retrieval software packages that run on microcomputers are analysed. A profile is drawn of the various features that can be expected of a text retrieval package, in order to build a picture of a typical package and to facilitate comparisons between packages. Factors that are considered are: price ranges, the length of time that packages have been available in the marketplace, contract and support, use and access, programming languages, outputs, retrieval facilities, interfaces and integrated modules. The market is shown still to be developing and changing.
Rowley, J.E. (1988), "An overview of microcomputer text retrieval packages", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 40 No. 11/12, pp. 311-319.
Copyright © 1988, MCB UP Limited