Information policy progress: a UK — EEC update
The year 1986 was marked by more active indications of concern for information industry development policy (as distinct from information technology policy) in Whitehall and Luxembourg than almost any preceding year in the 1980s. UK initiatives launched during the year displayed to a fragmented market a real concern with the ‘I’ in IT, as the policy recommendations of the 1983 ITAP report began at length to be deployed in the marketplace. Meanwhile, the new DGXIII, straddled between Luxembourg and Brussels, sought to re‐orientate its new workplan to new leadership, with initial indications of its eventual direction emerging in the Commissions' Electronic Publishing Conference and SOAG (Senior Officials Advisory Group), meetings both in November.
Worlock, D. (1987), "Information policy progress: a UK — EEC update", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 39 No. 6, pp. 193-196.
Copyright © 1987, MCB UP Limited