Summary of research undertaken by Aslib, 1966–1971
In 1966, the Government's Office for Scientific and Technical Information offered to increase its support for Aslib specifically to encourage it to build up a viable research department, to undertake systematic programmes of research into scientific and technical information systems, and to provide consultancy services in this field. In response to an appeal from Lord Kings Norton, then President of Aslib, some twenty member organizations agreed to share with OSTI the cost of this new development during its first three years. The three‐year development period ended in December 1969, and an account of the progress made during this period was published in Aslib Proceedings for May 1970.
(1972), "Summary of research undertaken by Aslib, 1966–1971", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 199-203.
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