REVIEW OF The ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH: 1. Tradition, Innovation and Research in the Library
The history of research in library science is not the easiest of subjects to speak on with any hope of presenting significant interpretations and conclusions, because as a topic of interest to the whole profession, in Britain at least, research in our field is a very new one, with the main developments of significance crowded into the last ten or fifteen years—it is as yet far too early to form a historical perspective. True we can review and catalogue a good many facts about research activity, and note certain milestones, but it is not possible, and will not be possible for another decade or two, to assess in a valid way, the significance of all this activity in terms of professional practice.
WHITEMAN, P.M. (1970), "REVIEW OF The ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH: 1. Tradition, Innovation and Research in the Library", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 22 No. 11, pp. 526-537.
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